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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:114.02.16 06:06


Title: Foreign Specialist Professionals with Specific Expertise in Economic Fields Ch
Date: 2023.04.28
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on March 6. 2018
2.Amended on May 11, 2021
3.Amended on April 28, 2023
Content: According to subparagraph 2 of Article 4 of the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of 
Foreign Professionals, the term “foreign specialist professionals with specific expertise in economic 
fields” refers to persons that meet any one of the following conditions:
1.Previously or currently holding a position at an economic company or in an economic field in a 
foreign state or in the ROC with a most recent monthly salary of at least NT$160,000.
2.Those who have held position of operations, technical or marketing executive at high-tech R&D 
hubs, operations headquarters or transnational corporation established in Taiwan.
3.Those with professional technical capabilities related to key industry products, components or 
service models, have obtained a doctoral degree or above in related fields at a domestic or foreign 
university, and have either received an international invention/innovation award or have more than 
four years of work experience in related fields.
4.Those who have held a specialized or interdisciplinary positions at a semiconductors, 
optoelectronics, information and communication hardware, electronic circuit design, 
biotechnology/medical materials, precision machinery, transportation, consultancy, or green energy 
company in the manufacturing sector or related technology services sectors (except for information 
services and software related sectors), and have more than eight years of work experience in these 
related fields; or have held a position as senior executive in “MICE” (Meeting, Incentive travel, 
Convention, and Exhibition) services sectors, and have more than eight years of work experience in 
5.Those who have held a specialized or interdisciplinary positions at advertisement, product design, 
visual communication design and designer fashion in the cultural and creative sectors, and have 
more than eight years of work experience in related fields.
6.Those who have held an Entrepreneur Visa or resident certificate for the purpose of startup 
businesses and meet at least one of the following criteria:
(1)Serving as a legal representative, senior executive or core member of the R&D team of the 
enterprise in Taiwan, which has secured investment from a domestic or overseas venture capital or 
has been acquired for at least US$1 million. The required number of applicants shall increase by one 
for every additional US$1 million invested in the enterprise.
(2)Serving as legal representative of the startup enterprise in Taiwan, which has received the grant 
for R&D plans from the government and invest at least US$1 million in the enterprise. Every 
additional US$1 million being invested in the enterprise, may increase an additional applicant quota.
7.Those who have been certified by the relevant central competent authorities as specialized talent 
or who possess transnational experience and knowledge/skills for which there is an urgent demand 
in Taiwan.
Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System