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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.07 05:27


Title: Operation Directions Governing the Inspection of Children’s Bicycles Ch
Date: 2024.02.02
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 15 August 2011.
2.Amended and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 28 March 2017.
3.Amended and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 4 March 2019.
4.Amended and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 2 February 2024.
Content: 1.These Directions were established by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) 
for implementing the inspection of children’s bicycles.
2.The inspection of children’s bicycles shall be conducted by monitoring inspection or Registration 
of Product Certification [Type test (Module 2) + Declaration of Conformity to Type (Module 3)]. 
The two procedures are available for the applicants depending on their needs.
3.Requirements for monitoring inspection:
(1)The obligatory inspection applicant who chooses monitoring inspection may purchase the 
Commodity Inspection Mark stickers, each of which shows the alphabet “C” and a serial number, 
when making applications for inspection to the BSMI or its local office (hereinafter referred to as 
the inspection authority). The Commodity Inspection Mark stickers shall be affixed to the product 
in a conspicuous position near the logo on the top tube or the bottom tube of the bicycle frame.
(2)The obligatory inspection applicant shall itemize the products based on the type number or 
specification when applying for inspection of children’s bicycles that are imported or 
manufactured domestically. The name, type number or specification, quantity, country of origin, 
and the serial numbers of the Commodity Inspection Mark stickers shall be registered in the BSMI 
information system.
(3)Where children’s bicycles pass inspection for three consecutive batches, the subsequent batches 
shall be sampled for inspection at the possibility of 50% under the condition that they are of the 
same country, of the same production premise or brand and of the same C.C.C. Code. The batches 
not sampled shall be released after approval by document review. Where the subsequent ten 
consecutive batches pass inspection at the sampling rate of 50%, the sampling rate will be reduced 
to 20% for each application afterwards. The batches not sampled shall be released after approval 
by document review.
(4)For the sampled batches, one bicycle shall be drawn from the item of the greatest quantity in the 
inspection application (or randomly drawn from the items with the same quantity). The inspection 
period shall be seven working days after sampling. The sampled products shall be inspected for the 
following items: 
a.Key inspection items: the requirements of “brakes,” “chainguard,” “stabilizers,” “Chinese 
labeling” and “Chinese instructions” specified in CNS 14976 “Cycles-safety requirements for 
bicycles for young children.” The parts of the handlebars and saddle shall be inspected to check the 
content for six phthalate plasticizers (DBP, BBP, DEHP, DNOP, DINP and DIDP) in accordance 
with Section 4.5.1 of CNS 15503 “General safety requirements for children’s products.”  
b.Monitoring inspection items: In addition to the key inspection items, one inspection items shall 
be selected at random from “general requirements,” “handlebar operation,” “frame/fork assembly,” 
“front fork,” “wheels,” “tires and tubes,” “pedals and pedal/crank assembly,” “saddle” and “drive 
system static load test” specified in CNS 14976 “Cycles-safety requirements for bicycles for young 
(5)If the inspection results of the sampled batches show non-compliance, the simplified sampling 
method specified in Paragraph (3) shall not be applied unless the products in subsequent 
applications are inspected and found to be compliant with the regulations for three consecutive 
batches and the total quantity of products achieving three times of that of non-compliant batches.
(6)A list of batches not drawn for inspection will be generated by the information system. These 
batches will be released if their Commodity Inspection Mark and the Chinese label specimen 
comply with relevant requirements after inspection by the inspection authority. Products may be 
sampled for testing if necessary.
(7)Products that do not comply with the requirements shall be returned or destroyed in accordance 
with the Regulations Governing Disposition of Commodities Failing Inspection and the Procedure 
for Returning and Destroying Commodities. The followings shall apply to applications for 
a.The obligatory inspection applicant shall return, destroy non-compliant items of products or take 
corrective actions (for examples, replacing certain parts, destroying non-compliant parts or 
modifying Chinese label, as the case may be) under supervision. For items of products not sampled 
or corrective actions taken under supervision, the obligatory inspection applicant shall apply to the 
BSMI for approval, by submitting the completed re-inspection application form, the notice of 
non-compliance and import declaration (not required if the product is made domestically). After 
the application is approved by the BSMI, the obligatory inspection applicant, the original 
inspection authority and the inspection unit commissioned by the BSMI will be informed in 
writing of the approval. The obligatory inspection applicant shall apply to the original inspection 
authority for re-inspection by submitting the notice of non-compliance, the records of destroying 
products or corrective actions taken under supervision (not required if the product is returned), and 
the letter of approval.  
b.For products covered by the application for re-inspection, one bicycle each shall be sampled 
from the items of the largest and second largest quantity of bicycles. Items that are previously 
determined to be non-compliant and included in the application for re-inspection after corrective 
actions have been taken shall be sampled for inspection. In addition, one bicycle shall be sampled 
from the item of the second largest quantity for re-inspection. Products that pass inspection after 
re-inspection may be released immediately under the condition that they are separated from the 
items of non-compliance.     
(8)Where non-compliance is found in children’s bicycles that are purchased from the market or 
sampled for inspection after they pass inspection, the procedure of batch by batch inspection shall 
be applied to subsequent batches of products. The simplified sampling method mentioned in 
paragraph (3) of this Clause shall be resumed after compliance of three consecutive batches. The 
obligatory inspection applicant shall withdraw or take corrective actions on all children’s bicycles 
that are of the same type and specification as the non-compliant products within a given period of 
4.Requirements for registration of product certification:
(1)Principles of type test:
a.Same type: children’s bicycles of the same brand.
b.Main type: Among products of the same type, the one with the most complicated functions (such 
as stabilizers, gearshift function, shock-absorbing device, quickly detachable device, etc.) and the 
largest wheels shall be regarded as the main type.
c.Series of type: Among products of the same type, those other than the main type shall be 
regarded as series of type. 
(2)The obligatory inspection applicant applying for type test shall submit three copies of the 
following documents as well as the samples to BSMI designated testing laboratories for 
performing the test:
a.Type Classification Form of Children’s Bicycles for Registration of Product Certification.
b.Catalogues of children’s bicycles (including type number, appearance and structure).
c.Color photos of children’s bicycles (4x6 inch or larger-sized photos showing the front, rear, top 
and side views of the product, indicating the actual size of the products). 
d.Assembly diagram and a list of the parts and components of the product (including specifications, 
size, materials, etc.). 
e.Instructions in Chinese (in accordance with the requirements stated in CNS 14976).
f.Samples of Chinese labels.
g.Samples: At least one sample for each main type and series of type. However, the designated 
testing laboratories may request additional test samples for confirmation if necessary.
(3)Inspection items:
a.Main type: “general requirements,” “brakes,” “handlebar operation,” “frame/fork assembly,” 
“front fork,” “wheels,” “tires and tubes,” “pedals and pedal/crank assembly,” “saddle,” “drive 
system static load test,” “chain guard,” “stabilizers,” “Chinese labeling” and “instructions in 
Chinese” stated in CNS 14976 “Cycles-safety requirements for bicycles for young children.”  The 
handlebars and saddle shall be tested for the content of six kinds of phthalate plasticizers (DBP, 
BBP, DEHP, DNOP, DINP and DIDP) in accordance with Section 4.5.1 of CNS 15503 “General 
safety requirements for children’s products.”
b.Series of type: “general requirements,” “brakes,” “frame/fork assembly,” “handlebar operation,” 
“chainguard,” “stabilizers,” “Chinese labeling” and “Instructions in Chinese” stated in CNS 14976 
“Cycles-safety requirements for bicycles for young children.”  If the product in series of type has 
any part having the same structure as that of the main type or another series of type, that part can 
be exempt from testing, provided that the applicant has submitted appropriate supporting 
c.If changes are made to products of the main type or series of type, safety tests shall be conducted 
only for the changed components where it is deemed necessary to ensure their safety. 
(4)Type test fee: The fees shall be collected in accordance with the fee schedule specified by the 
designated testing laboratories..
(5)Period of type test: 14 working days after receipt of the samples.
(6)The applicant for the registration of product certification shall prepare the following documents 
and apply to the inspection authority for a certificate. 
a.Basic documents: those specified Clause 2.3.1 of the Application Procedure for Registration of 
Product Certification Procedure.
b.Conformity assessment documents: type test reports issued by BSMI-designated testing 
laboratories (covering items stated in paragraphs (2)a to (2)e (including the electronic files) and the 
Declaration of Conformity to Type. 
c.Review period: 7 working days (excluding the period of time when the application is pending 
due to the need for supplementary documents) and another 14 working days if a test of the samples 
is requested.  
(7)The obligatory inspection applicant who has completed the registration of product certification 
shall print the Commodity Inspection Mark, which is comprised of the alphabet “R” and the 
designated code (which will be given by the BSMI when the certificate is issued). The Commodity 
Inspection Mark shall be placed in a conspicuous position near the trademark on the top or bottom 
tube of the bicycle frame.
Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System