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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: The Categories and Scopes of Legal Measuring Instrument Ch
Date: 2023.11.15
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by Ministerial Announcement on 19 November 2018
2.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Announcement on 26 August 2019
3.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Announcement on 12 October 2020
4.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Announcement on 2 June 2021
5.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Announcement on 15 April 2022
6.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Announcement on 15 November 2023
The Article of the Enforcement Rules of Weights and Measures Act Varieties Categories and Scopes The applicable targets, applicable legislations, and usage of the legal measuring instruments for official inspection or law enforcement
Subparagraph 1, Paragraph One of Article 2 Dimensional instruments Taximeters.  
Subparagraph 2, Paragraph One of Article 2 Weighing instruments 1.Automatic weighing instruments:
 (1)Automatic gravimetric filling weighing instruments.
 (2)Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing instruments.
2.Non-automatic weighing instruments:
 (1)The pricing weighing instruments.
(2)The non-pricing weighing instruments, excluding the following instruments:
  1. The weighing instruments of non-pricing and not for transaction use with a number of verification scale interval all more than 10,000.
  2. The weighing instruments with a number of verification scale interval less than 3,000 and maximum weighing capacity less than 3 kg marked not for transaction use of measuring instruments.
  3. Portable suspended weighing instruments with a maximum weighing capacity less than 50 kg and marked not for transaction use of measuring instruments.
  4. Suspended weighing instruments with a maximum weighing capacity more than 1 t.
  5. Bathroom scales.
  6. Weighing in motion non-automatic weighing instruments (Meaning that the non-automatic weighing instruments be used for measurement, the object intended to be measured is in a non-stable state).
Subparagraph 3, Paragraph One of Article 2 Weights All kinds of weights.  
Subparagraph 4, Paragraph One of Article 2 Force meters Universal tensile testing machine.  
Subparagraph 5, Paragraph One of Article 2 Thermometers Electrical thermometers.  
Subparagraph 6, Paragraph One of Article 2 Pressure meters Non-Invasive mechanical sphygmomanometers.  
Subparagraph 7, Paragraph One of Article 2 Volumeters 1.Liquid volumetric meters:
 (1)metal measuring pails marked with divisions.
 (2)metal measuring tanks marked with divisions; excluding the following measuring tanks:
  1. Measuring tanks with a capacity of more than 110 m3.
  2. Pressure measuring tanks.
2. Flow meters:
  (1)Diaphragm gas meters, excluding gas meters with a maximum air flow more than 100 m3/hr.
  (2)Water meters: volumetric water meters, velocity water meters(Woltmann meters, single-jet meters and multi-jet meters)and vortex water meters, excluding combination water meters and water meters with a caliber of more than 300 mm.
  (3)Oil meters provided for trading petroleum products; excluding oil meters with a caliber of more than 160 mm.
  (4)Liquefied petroleum gas flow meters.
3. Air to liquid volumetric ratio (A/L) measuring instruments for official inspection. Complying with Air Pollution Control Act by environmental protection authorities, relevant agencies and analysis laboratories which are permitted by the central competent authority to perform air pollution monitoring.
Subparagraph 8, Paragraph One of Article 2 Speed meters
  1. Radar speedometers for law enforcement.
Reporting violations of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act by police authorities.
  1. Laser speedometers for law enforcement.
  1. Reporting violations of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act by police authorities.
  2. Reporting violations of the boats’ speed limits in the water area that under the jurisdiction of special municipalities or counties (cities) against the self-government ordinances by special municipalities or counties (cities).
  3. Reporting violations of regulations Water Act by reservoir authority.
  1. Inductive loop speedometers for law enforcement.
Reporting violations of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act by police authorities.
  1. Average speed control devices for law enforcement.
Reporting violations of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act by police authorities.
Subparagraph 9, Paragraph One of Article 2 Heat meters All kinds of heat meters.  
Subparagraph 10, Paragraph One of Article 2 Density meters Floating density meters.  
Subparagraph 11, Paragraph One of Article 2 Concentration meters
  1. Breathe alcohol testers and analyzers for official inspection.
  1. Complying with article 185-3, Criminal Code of the Republic of China or reporting violations of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act by police authorities.
  2. Complying with Civil Aviation Act by civil aeronautics authorities.
  1. Vehicles exhaust emissions analyzers for official inspection excluding those used for motorcycles and diesel engines.
  1. Complying with Air Pollution Control Act by  relevant agencies and analysis laboratories which are permitted by the central competent authority to perform air pollution monitoring.
  2. Complying with Air Pollution Control Act by the motor vehicle authorities.
  1. Rice grain moisture meters.
  1. Field corn moisture meters.

Subparagraph 12, Paragraph One of Article 2 Specific gravity meters Floating specific gravity meters.  
Subparagraph 13, Paragraph One of Article 2 Electricity meters
1. General Electricity meters: Watt-hour meters, Var-hour meters, Watt-hour demand meters, Static electricity meters and Instrument transformers, excluding are as follows:
(1) Ancillary electricity meters within the electric products
(2)Ancillary electricity meters within the converters/inverters
(3)Panel meter
(4)Portable electricity meters
(5)Reference electricity meter
(6)Direct current electricity meter
(7)Energy transducer
(8)Standard electricity meters and those with rated voltage higher than 600 V.
(9)Current transformer operated electricity meters those with rated secondary current below 5A.
(10)Current transformers those with rated secondary current below 5A.
(11)Instrument transformers of 69 kV higher than the nominal system voltage.
2.Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: electric vehicle supply equipment for electric energy transaction use, excluding AC electric vehicle supply equipment without electric energy measurement.  
Subparagraph 14, Paragraph One of Article 2 Surface area meters All kinds of surface area meters.  
Subparagraph 15, Paragraph One of Article 2 Illuminometer Illuminance meters for official inspection.
  1. Complying with violations penalties of the Occupational Safety and Health Act by labor inspection authorities.
  2. Used by environmental protection authorities for imposing penalties and by approved analysis laboratories for performing air pollution monitoring in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act.
Subparagraph 16, Paragraph One of Article 2 Irradiation meters All kinds of irradiation meters.  
Subparagraph 17, Paragraph One of Article 2 Sound level meters Sound level meters for official inspection.
  1. Complying with Noise Control Act by environmental protection authorities ,  relevant agencies and analysis laboratories which are permitted by the central competent authority to perform noise pollution monitoring.
  2. Complying with Noise Control Act by authorities of civil and military airport.
  3. Complying with violations penalties of the Occupational Safety and Health Act by labor inspection authorities.
Subparagraph 18, Paragraph One of Article 2 Deninermeters All kinds of deninermeters.  
Remark: The categories and scopes listed above shall not include any portable handset device which
could be used to measure while combined with App and any product which is not mainly designed
to be used to measure.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System