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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.04 02:20


Title: Directions for Hearing Procedures on Trade Remedy Cases Conducted by the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ch
Date: 2023.11.09
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on November 9, 2023
Content: 1.These Directions are enacted for the purpose of arranging hearing procedures with regard to 
import relief cases as well as injury investigations in countervailing duty and anti-dumping duty 
cases (hereinafter referred to as trade remedy cases) conducted by the International Trade 
Administration (hereinafter referred to as “TITA”) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (hereinafter 
referred to as “MOEA”). For matters not specified herein, other relevant laws and regulations shall 

2.The procedures for hearings in these Directions are to provide petitioners and interested parties of 
trade remedy cases with an opportunity to present their views and evidence. No judgment or 
decision on the substance of cases will be made in the hearings.

3.Hearings shall be held on the following occasions: 
(1)For import relief cases:
a.Prior to deciding whether an industry has been seriously injured;
b.Prior to deciding what import relief measures  should be proposed to MOEA;
c.Prior to re-deciding what import relief measures should be proposed to MOEA after an earlier 
recommendation of no import relief measures was rejected by MOEA;
d.Prior to drafting an annual review report on the results and effects of the implementation of an 
import relief measure; and
e.Prior to the termination, modification or extension of an import relief measure.
(2)For a nti-dumping duty and countervailing duty cases:
a.Prior to deciding whether dumped/subsidized imports have caused material injury to the domestic 
industry in the preliminary or final phase s of the original investigation cases;
b.Prior to deciding whether an injury to the domestic industry have lapsed or changed in  interim 
review cases; and
c.Prior to deciding whether revocation of a countervailing duty or anti-dumping duty order would be   
likely to  lead to a continuation or recurrence of material injury in sunset review cases.

4.The public notice and notification for holding a hearing:
(1)Before holding a hearing, TITA shall issue a public notice and publish it in the Executive Yuan 
Gazette, on TITA’s website or make it publicly known by other appropriate means.
(2)The public notice shall contain the following information:
a.The subject investigation and legal bases for holding the hearing;
b.Name or trade name and the domicile or residence, office or business address of the petitioner and 
interested parties;
c.Date and venue of the hearing;
d.Major procedures of the hearing;
e.That the petitioner and interested parties may appoint an agent;
f.The rights to which the petitioner and interested parties are entitled;
g.The consequences of an interested party’s absence from the hearing;
h.The name of the authority  holding the hearing;
i.Deadline for the interested parties to express their intent of attending the hearing; and
j.The prehearing meeting.
(3)TITA shall notify the petitioner and interested parties involved in the subject investigation for 
attendance purposes.
(4)In cases in which the hearing date is   rescheduled or venue changed, TITA shall notify and 
issue a public notice thereof. 

5.Registration for attending the hearing:
(1)The petitioner and interested parties who attend hearings shall register with TITA in advance.
(2)Participants shall provide information regarding business entity, name, job title, telephone 
number, their stance on this case (participants are categorized into two groups based on their stance 
on the case, namely  in favor or against), as well as whether they will make presentations in the 
first phase of the hearing procedure.
(3)The petitioner and interested parties who attend hearings may register with TITA via online 
systems or by in-person delivery, postal mail, express, fax, email.

6.Hearing procedures:
(1)To facilitate smooth hearing proceedings, a prehearing meeting can be held before the hearing. 
TITA will notify the petitioner and interested parties who intend to make presentations in the first 
phase of a hearing procedure for the prehearing meeting purposes. A prehearing meeting is held for 
the purposes of discussing the process of the hearing procedures, the order of presentation, the 
amount of time allocated to each person for presentation, and other relevant matters.
(2)In addition to the announcements by the chairperson, a hearing will proceed in 4 phases: 
presentation, cross-examination between the two groups, inquiry by the investigation team, and 
inquiry by participants.
a.The first phase is for presentation: The participants from the two groups make their presentations 
according to the order and allotted time decided at prehearing meetings. For each presentation, a 
signal is given to indicate that there are two minutes remaining before the end of the allocated time; 
another signal indicates that the time is up. If one speaker finishes the presentation within the time 
limit, the unused time can be reserved for other participants of the same group. Participants who did 
not register  in advance will not be allowed to make presentations in this phase. Instead, their 
statements can be read out within the allotted time by those who registered in advance for making 
b.The second phase is for cross-examination between the two groups: The chairperson will ask 
participants of each group whether they have inquiries for each other. If so, the cross-examination 
will proceed in the following order: Participants in favor of the subject investigation will first ask a 
question to participants from the opposing group for response. Then, participants opposed to the 
subject investigation will ask a question to participants from the supporting group for response. The 
time limit for inquiries and responses is one minute and three minutes, respectively. The questioner 
may continue asking questions for clarification. All questions and responses shall be confined to the 
subject investigation. The chairperson may end a round of inquiries and responses, and start a new 
round if he/she deems the situation appropriate. If there are several questioners from the same group, 
they shall coordinate the order of speaking among each other. With the consent of the chairperson in 
this phase, the petitioner and all interested parties attending  the hearings may ask questions of the 
participants from supporting or opposing groups.
c.The third phase is for inquiry by the investigation team: The chairperson and staff from TITA and 
related agencies are allowed to ask questions to the participants from the supporting or opposing 
d.The fourth phase is for inquiry by the participants: With the consent of the chairperson, the 
petitioner and interested parties attending the hearings are allowed to ask questions regarding 
procedures for the subject investigation to the chairperson and staff from TITA and related agencies.

7.Transcript of the hearings:
(1)All the presentations, comments, questions, and responses of the petitioner and interested parties 
at hearings are recorded and transcribed. Those who make presentations, give comments, or ask 
questions shall affix their signatures or seals in-person or commission a proxy agent by an 
authorized letter to review and confirm the transcript by a specified date and venue. Those who fail 
to confirm in accordance with the above rules will be deemed to agree with the transcript made by 
(2)The purpose of hearings held by TITA is to take the opinions of all parties, and no resolutions 
will be made at the hearings. The transcript of the hearing will be referenced as an annex to the 
investigation report of the subject case for review.

8.Other matters
(1)Participants shall be seated according to seat arrangements at least 5 minutes before hearings.
(2)Hearings shall be held orally and in public.
(3)Hearings shall be held in Chinese. Foreign participants who intend to state their opinions in a 
foreign language shall bring their own interpreters and the time spent on translation will be included 
in the speaker's allotted time.
(4)The petitioner and interested parties who are unable to attend hearings may appoint a counsel or 
other interested party as their proxy to make presentations, but a power of attorney should be 
submitted in advance.
(5)Orders to be observed in the course of hearings:
a.Mobile phones of all participants shall be turned off or switched to silent mode to prevent 
interruptions of presentations and proceedings during hearings.
b.No clapping or shouting are allowed during hearings.
c.No questioning or interfering with speakers are allowed.
d.Statements and comments shall be confined to the subject matter of the investigation, and verbal 
abuse will not  be tolerated.
e.The press shall be seated in designated seats. Photos or video recordings are allowed only in 
designated areas and should be completed within 10 minutes once the hearing starts.
f.Speakers shall first state their name, job title, and business entity when they start to speak so that 
transcripts of hearings are recorded correctly.
g.To prevent the hearing from stalling, the chairperson may stop the petitioner and interested parties
from speaking. Those who seriously impede  the hearing process will be ordered to leave.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System