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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.04 08:32


Title: Directions for the Establishment and Implementation of Outstanding International Electronics and Information Technology Partner Awards Ch
Date: 2023.10.19
Legislative: 1.All eight clauses within this statute were enacted and promulgated in pursuant to MOEA Order on March 30, 2005 and became effective on March 30, 2005.
2.All nine clauses within this statute were amended and promulgated in pursuant to MOEA Order (Ref. No.: Jinggongtzu No. 09904605140) on August 16, 2010 and became effective on the same date.
3.The title and all ten clauses of this statute were amended and promulgated in pursuant to MOEA Order (Ref. No.: Jinggongtzu No. 10103318270) on October 9, 2012 and became effective on the same date. (Original statute title: IPO Awards Establishment and Implementation
Guidelines for Outstanding Electronics and Information Companies Cooperating in International Production and Marketing)
4.Clauses 4, 5, 9, and 10 within this statute were amended and promulgated in pursuant to MOEA Order (Ref. No.: Jingshougongtzu No. 10420424041) on October 6, 2015 and became effective on the same date.
5.Clauses 3, 5, and 9 within this statute were amended and promulgated in pursuant to MOEA Order (Ref. No.: Jingchantzu No. 11251037340) on October 19, 2023 and became effective on the same date.
Content: 1.The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has set forth these directions to govern the 
establishment of the Outstanding International Electronics and Information Technology Partner 
Awards ("these Awards").

2.These Awards are intended to commend outstanding international partner firms that have assisted 
Taiwanese industries in enhancing added value and international competitiveness, particularly those 
firms that have promoted global integration of resources, served as industrial technology leaders, 
and acted as soft economic creators. These Awards seeks to encourage such firms and thereby 
promote Taiwan's industrial development.

3.Tasks connected with the granting of these Awards shall be implemented by the Industrial 
Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, (IDA, MOEA).

4.These Awards shall be granted to international electronics and information technology firms that 
have established international procurement offices, innovative R&D centers, or product 
development centers in Taiwan, or have made outstanding contributions to industry in Taiwan, and 
have a superior corporate image.

5.These Awards and their selection method shall be as follows:
(1)Technology value-added partners: The Department of Industrial Technology, MOEA shall 
recommend the top three international firms among companies that are engaging in R&D 
cooperation with Taiwanese firms, have established R&D centers in Taiwan, or have made special 
contributions to the implementation of Global R&D Innovation Partner program.
(2)Strategic point of light partners: The IDA shall recommend the three leading international firms 
whose strategic directions comply with government policies.
(3)Green systems partners: A review mechanism involving an expert committee shall select the 
three international firms that have done the most to help Taiwan establish a green systems industry 
and also help Taiwan export green systems.
(4)Innovative application partners: A review mechanism involving an expert committee shall select 
the three international firms that have done the most to help Taiwan introduce innovative services, 
establish applied R&D environments in Taiwan, or that have trained innovative service manpower.
(5)Soft value partners: A review mechanism involving an expert committee shall select the three 
international firms that have done the most to support Taiwan's industrial policy promotion 
directions, promote high-quality, value-creating lifestyle, and help Taiwan's industry capitalize on 
soft economic opportunities.
(6)Key supplier partners: The IDA shall recommend the three leading international firms with 
significant contributions to maintaining or assisting Taiwan's industrial development in the global 
supply chain.
(7)Market expansion partners: The IDA shall select several international firms with the highest 
values of a weighted calculation index announced by the IDA and based on the amount of 
procurements throughout the year in Taiwan, amount of procured goods manufactured in Taiwan 
throughout the year, effective tax rate during the most recent three years, and growth in employment 
during the most recent three years. In addition, it shall select several international firms with the 
highest values of a weighted calculation index announced by the IDA, based on their achievement 
of a certain level of procurement in Taiwan with demonstrated high annual procurement growth or 
possession of special procurement significance.

6.The MOEA Minister shall bestow all of these Awards.

7.Each firm winning one of these Awards shall receive a trophy and a certificate.

8.These Awards shall be conferred and winners acknowledged at the annual appreciation banquet 
for international partners.

9.International firms that have received one of these Awards may apply to the IDA for the following 
incentives during a one-year period from the day after the award is received:
(1)The IDA may request the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA to provide a 
reference for designating the information products or products used in-house as stated in the firm's 
application exempt from customs inspection.
(2)If the current president (including CEO), board director, supervisor, general manager, manager, 
or managerial-level department (division) head of the firm's company in Taiwan holds a valid ROC 
passport, they are eligible to apply for an APEC business travel card issued by the International 
Trade Administration, MOEA with proof of the award.
(3)If the firm has carried out procurements in Taiwan exceeding NT$50 billion during the year, 
when managers with the position of headquarters deputy general manager or higher visit Taiwan, it 
shall be considered the same as if the MOEA has invited the person to Taiwan to engage in 
discussion concerning cooperation; if the IDA gives its recommendation, the MOEA shall send a 
letter to the Aviation Police Office, National Police Administration, Ministry of the Interior applying 
for general courtesy customs exemptions at international airports for such individuals.
(4)Current presidents (including CEO), general managers, or deputy general managers of such 
firm's company in Taiwan holding a valid foreign passport may be recommended by the IDA for 
application to the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior for an alien academic and 
business travel card when such an individual qualifies as a specialized technical expert essential for 
key projects and industries that align with the major policy initiatives approved by the National 
Development Council.
(5)Current presidents (including CEO), general managers, or deputy general managers of such 
firm's company in Taiwan holding a valid foreign passport may be recommended by the IDA for 
application for fast entry and exit customs clearance at designated inspection counters for said 
foreign business personnel (the MOEA shall transmit a list of eligible persons to the National 
Immigration Agency via the Internet, and the National Immigration Agency shall forward the list to 
airports as a reference for customs inspection work).
(6)Award-winning firms may apply to the Ministry of Labor's Workforce Development Agency for 
the employment of foreign nationals with bachelor's degrees to engage in specific or technical work 
stipulated in Article 46, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the Employment Service Act, and are not 
subject to the restriction of having at least two years of relevant work experience.
(7)Such firm's company in Taiwan can be regarded as recognized by the Ministry of Economic 
Affairs as an excellent manufacturer in their application submitted to the National Communications 
Commission for a certificate of special permit number for Class 2 controlled telecommunications 
radio-frequency devices (CTRFDs) used for research or testing. The qualification for application is 
reduced from the need to obtain more than 50 import approval numbers from the competent 
authority each year on average to just more than 30 import approval numbers each year on average.
(8)Such firm's company in Taiwan can apply for visas for specific nationals and waive the 
requirement of personal identification documents by providing a guarantee in the name of the 
company. The award-winning firm shall submit a recommendation letter issued by the Industrial 
Development Administration and an official letter of guarantee from the company when applying to 
the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10.If the amount of procured goods manufactured in Taiwan, effective tax rate during the most 
recent three years, and growth in employment during the most recent three years of another 
international firm that has not received one of the foregoing awards is on a par with the 
contributions of award-winning international firms, that firm may apply for simplified 
administrative procedures, etc. equivalent to that received by award-winning international firms.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System