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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Regulations Governing the CNS Mark Ch
Date: 2022.01.22
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 20 July 1951.
2.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 3 March 1956.
3.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 14 May 1958.
4.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 25 January 1961.
5.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 3 October 1962.
6.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 5 March 1969.
7.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 15 September 1973.
8.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 30 June 1975.
9.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 5 December 1978.
10.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 15 February 1979.
11.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 19 May 1982.
12.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 26 September 1983.
13.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 26 February 1986.
14.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 5 August 1988.
15.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 19 February 1992.
16.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 11 February 1995.
17.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 19 August 1998.
18.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 9 February 2000.
19.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 11 June 2003.
20.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 17 November 2004.
21.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 17 August 2007
22.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 22 October 2008
23.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 5 September 2014
24.Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 22 January 2022
Content: Chapter I General Principles

Article 1
These Regulations are established in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Standards 

Article 2  
The standards authority may announce a list of products to which the designated national standards 
items mentioned in Article 10 of the Standards Act apply as products within the scope of the CNS 
Mark (hereinafter referred to as “the CNS Mark Product List”). The same shall apply when the 
standards authority intends to withdraw products from the list.

Article 3
Products included in the CNS Mark Product List as mentioned in the previous Article may be 
allowed to use the CNS Mark if they meet any one of the following requirements:
1.Where the plant has obtained the quality management system (hereinafter referred to as “QMS”) 
certificate issued by a QMS certification body located in Taiwan or in the same country as the plant 
that is recognized by the standards authority to demonstrate compliance with CNS 12681 (ISO 9001) 
(hereinafter referred to as the “recognized QMS certification body”), and the products meet relevant 
national standards after testing.
2.Where the plant has obtained the factory inspection report issued by the standards authority or a 
factory inspection body located in the same country as the plant (hereinafter referred to as “the 
factory inspection bodies”) that is recognized by the standards authority, and the products meet 
relevant national standards after testing.
For each product in the CNS Mark Product List, the standards authority shall announce whether the 
QMS requirement or the factory inspection requirement specified in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 
respectively of the preceding Paragraph is applied.
The QMS certificate and the factory inspection report specified in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 
respectively of the preceding Paragraph shall bear the accreditation logo of the accreditation body.
The accreditation body specified in the preceding Paragraph refers to the accreditation body in 
Taiwan or located in the same country as the plant, which is a member of the Mutual Recognition 
Arrangement (MRA) of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the 
International Accreditation Forum, Inc. (IAF) or the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation 

Article 4
The pattern of CNS Mark is:(Please refer to the attached file.)
The dimensions of the above pattern shall be prescribed and announced by the standards authority.

Article 5
The CNS Mark as mentioned in the preceding Article, together with the certificate number, shall be 
affixed prominently to the body of the products that are granted the use of the CNS Mark 
(hereinafter referred to as “the CNS Mark products”). Where it is not possible to affix the CNS 
Mark to the body of the product, the Mark shall be affixed to the packaging or containers of the 
product. For products in loose packaging, the CNS Mark shall be displayed on the delivery notes.
If the CNS Mark is not affixed to the product in accordance with the provisions of the preceding 
Paragraph, corrective actions shall be taken within one month, beginning from the following day, 
upon receipt of notices from the standards authority or commissioned legal persons or associations 
(hereinafter referred to as “third-party certification bodies”). The specified period may be extended 
on the ground of justified reasons for one more month upon approval for a single time only.

Article 6
The standards authority may commission third-party certification bodies to undertake conforming 
assessment, certificate issuance (or replacement), market surveillance and relevant management 
matters that are related to certification of CNS Mark. 
The provisions of the Regulations Governing Commission of Commodity Inspection Operations 
shall apply mutatis mutandis to the qualifications, conditions, application procedures, audits and 
relevant management matters that the third-party certification bodies mentioned in the preceding 
Paragraph shall meet. The certification fields and other specific requirements shall be announced by 
the standards authority.

Article 7
The standards authority may recognize QMS certification bodies, factory inspection bodies and 
testing laboratories to perform QMS assessment and follow-up audits, inspection of factories, and 
product sampling and testing, respectively.
An inspection body recognized as the factory inspection body for commodity inspection shall be 
recognized as the inspection body for CNS Mark under the condition that the scope of recognition 
covers products stated in the CNS Mark Product List mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and the 
validity period of the recognition does not expire.
The provisions of the Regulations Governing Recognition of Designated Testing Laboratory for 
Commodity Inspection shall apply mutatis mutandis to the qualifications, conditions, application 
procedures, assessment, the validity period of recognition, revocation, rescission, and related 
administrative management matters that a recognized testing laboratory mentioned in Paragraph 1 
shall meet. The scope of testing and other specific requirements shall be announced by the standards 

Article 8
Prior to making applications for the CNS Mark, a manufacturer shall first apply to the recognized 
QMS certification body or factory inspection body for QMS certification or factory inspection 
depending on applicable requirements mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 announced by the 
standards authority. 
After accepting the application, the agency referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall dispatch 
auditors to the plant stated in the application to conduct QMS assessments or factory inspection. A a 
report shall be prepared and delivered to the applicant. 

Article 9
Prior to making applications for the CNS Mark, a manufacturer shall first apply to the standards 
authority, the third-party certification bodies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the product 
certification agency”) or the recognized testing laboratory for product testing. 
After accepting the application, the agency referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall sample 
products from the plant stated in the application and carry out testing or witness testing on the 
sampled items in accordance with relevant national standards. A report shall be prepared and 
delivered to the manufacturer.
For products that are granted certification marks designated and announced by the standards 
authority and the registration is valid, the latest test report for those certification marks may be used 
and the same test items may be waived if they are required by the relevant national standards. Use 
of the latest report is limited to one time only. Other test items not waived shall be performed in 
accordance with the standards. 

Article 10
Under any of the following circumstances, the manufacturer may apply for witness testing with 
reasons stated to the standards authority, other than those where witness testing is allowed by the 
standards authority:
1.Huge and heavy products that are not easy for delivery;
2.Delicate and fragile products that are easily damaged;
3.Dangerous products that are easy to cause dangers;
4.The testing laboratory of the manufacturer complies with the requirements of CNS 17025 and is 
accredited by a laboratory accreditation body of our country or of the same country as the applicant, 
which has signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement developed by the International Laboratory 
Accreditation Cooperation, with the items and accreditation scope covered by the applicable 
national standards.
5.Other special circumstances approved by the standards authority.
The standards authority may evaluate the competence of testing laboratories assigned by the 
applicant upon acceptance of the applications. An approval of witness testing will be granted if any 
of the circumstances mentioned in the preceding Paragraph is met and the applicant is equipped 
with adequate testing facilities and capable of performing testing items in compliance with national 

Chapter II   Applications

Article 11
Manufacturers applying for the use of CNS Mark (hereinafter referred to as “the applicants”) shall 
select the applicable item on the CNS Mark Product List and make separate applications for 
individual manufacturing plants.
Each product is limited to one application. However, if the product is classified into categories, 
applications shall be made based on categories. One application is allowed for each category. 
Separate applications shall be made for different products manufactured by the same plant. Where 
the same product is manufactured by different plants of the same company, separate applications 
shall be made in respect of different plants.

Article 12
An applicant shall make application to the product certification agency by filling in an application 
form, which shall be accompanied by the following documents and the application fee:
1.A copy of the company or business registration certificate and a copy of factory registration 
certificate or other equivalent certificate. Manufacturers that fill in the uniform serial number of the 
company or business and the plant registration number in the application form are not required to 
provide such documents;
2.Basic information of the manufacturer;
3.Copies of QMS certificates or photocopies of factory inspection reports that conform to the 
applicable requirements specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 as announced by the standards 
authority; and
4.Copies of test reports issued within the most recent six months. 
When making the application mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, a foreign applicant may 
authorize an agent who has a business place in the Republic of China (Taiwan) to act on his/her 
behalf by presenting an authorization letter.
Where any of the documents submitted are in a foreign language, their Chinese translations shall 
also be provided at the same time.
Where an application does not comply with the requirements of the preceding 3 Paragraphs, the 
applicant shall take corrective actions within one month, beginning on the following day, upon 
receipt of notices issued by the product certification agency. The application shall not be accepted if 
corrective actions are not taken within the specified time limit or noncompliance still exists after 
corrective actions are taken. 

Article 13
Where an application made in accordance with the previous Article complies with the relevant 
provisions after review, the product certification agency shall grant the use of the CNS Mark and 
issue CNS Mark certificates. An English certificate may be issued if it is so requested in the 
application. Where the application does not comply with the relevant provisions, the application 
shall be rejected with reasons stated.

Chapter III   Administration

Article 14
The product certification agency may conduct yearly non-periodical surveillance visits to 
manufacturers that are granted the use of the CNS Mark (hereinafter referred to as “CNS Mark 
registered manufacturers”).
When non-compliance with the requirements of the previous Paragraph is found during the 
surveillance, corrective actions shall be taken within one month, beginning on the following day, 
upon receipt of notices from the product certification agency. The specified period may be extended 
on the ground of justified reasons for one more month upon approval for a single time only. The 
product certification agency may carry out surveillance again after the one-month period expires.

Article 15
CNS Mark registered manufacturers having any of the following circumstances shall take corrective 
actions upon receipt of notices from the product certification agency. The CNS Mark shall not be 
allowed to be affixed to products manufactured during the period when corrective actions are being 
1. The QMS certification has been suspended, terminated or its relevant scope is reduced.
2. The relevant scope of the factory inspection report has been reduced.
3. The manufacturer fails to cooperate with factory inspection bodies to receive follow-up 
4. The results of the follow-up factory inspection are determined to be non-compliant.
5. The QMS certificate or factory inspection report does not meet the requirements specified in 
Paragraph 3 of Article 3 about the accreditation logo of the accreditation body.

Article 16
The product certification agency may take samples of CNS Mark products from the market, 
construction sites, or the plants of CNS Mark registered manufacturers to conduct testing on an 
irregular basis. The testing reports shall be prepared and provided to the CNS Mark registered 
For CNS Mark products that have undergone product sampling tests specified in the preceding 
Paragraph by a recognized testing laboratory, the testing laboratory shall notify the product 
certification agency of the test results. Where the test reports demonstrate compliance of the 
products with national standards, the testing mentioned in the preceding Paragraph may be 
If the test results mentioned in the preceding two Paragraphs does not show compliance with 
national standards, the CNS Mark registered manufacturers shall take corrective actions within one 
month, beginning on the following day, upon receipt of notices from the product certification 
agency and apply to the product certification agency or the recognized testing laboratory for 
The re-testing mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be conducted on new samples randomly 
selected. Where the non-compliance is only limited to labeling, the check may be implemented only 
for the labeling.
The product in question shall not use the CNS Mark during the period, starting from the following 
day, upon receipt of notices mentioned in Paragraph 3 to the date that compliance reports of product 
re-testing is received.
Where the CNS Mark products are proved to be non-compliant with national standards and such 
non-compliance is verified by the product certification agency, it shall be processed in accordance 
with provisions of Paragraphs 3 to 5.

Article 17
For CNS Mark products that are granted certification marks designated and announced by the 
standards authority and the registration is valid, the test reports used for maintaining those 
certification marks and issued within three years may be used and the same test items may be 
waived if they are required by the relevant national standards. Other test items not waived shall be 
performed in accordance with the standards.

Article 18
The CNS Mark registered manufacturers shall not evade, impede, or refuse the factory inspection, 
testing of sampled products, or request for relevant information conducted by the product 
certification agency without justified reasons.  

Article 19
The CNS Mark registered manufacturers that suspend manufacturing of CNS Mark products shall 
report the reasons and period of suspension to the product certification agency within three months, 
beginning on the following day, of the date of suspension.
The period of suspension mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall not exceed one year. An 
extension of six months may be granted for a single time if there are justified reasons.
The CNS Mark shall not be applied to products manufactured during the suspension period.
Upon the expiry of the suspension period mentioned in the second Paragraph or early resumption of 
manufacturing, the CNS Mark registered manufacturers may continue affix the CNS Mark to their 
products after they have reported to the product certification agency about resumption of 
manufacturing CNS Mark products, except otherwise stated in these Regulations.

Article 20
Manufacturing of CNS Mark products shall be deemed suspended if any of the following 
circumstances occur:
1.The factory has no record of manufacturing CNS Mark products and quality management for the 
most recent year, or
2.Insufficient quantity of products can be sampled for testing twice within three months since the 
date of previous sampling.  

Article 21
Where national standards applicable to the CNS Mark are revised or rescinded, resulted in the 
change of applicable national standards, and the content is significantly changed, the CNS Mark 
registered manufacturers shall take corrective actions within six months, beginning on the following 
day, upon receipt of notices from the product certification agency. An extension of six months may 
be granted if the corrective plan is approved.
The CNS Mark may continue to be affixed to the products that comply with national standards and 
are manufactured prior to the revision or rescission of national standards mentioned in the preceding 
The CNS Mark shall not be affixed to products manufactured during the extension period as 
stipulated in the proviso of Paragraph 1.
The CNS Mark registered manufacturers that have completed corrective actions earlier and have 
reported to the product certification agency, or have completed corrective actions within the period 
prescribed in Paragraph 1 and manufacture their products against the revised or new national 
standards may continue to use the CNS Mark.
The product certification agency or recognized testing laboratory shall follow the provisions of 
Article 16 to perform testing of sampled products in accordance with the revised or new national 
standards after the CNS Mark registered manufacturers have made the report mentioned in the 
previous Paragraph or the period of taking corrective actions expires. 

Article 22
Where changes are made to the content stated in the CNS Mark certificates, the CNS Mark 
registered manufacturers shall apply to the product certification agency for issuing replacement 
certificates by submitting the original certificates and relevant documents. 
Where the changes involve the relocation of plants, the CNS Mark registered manufacturers, after 
having obtained factory registration document or other equivalent documents for the new plants, 
shall apply for replacement certificates by submitting copies of the QMS certificates or factory 
inspection reports of the new plants as well as compliance reports of product tests reports issued 
within six months. 
Where application for replacement certificates is not made in accordance with the preceding two 
Paragraphs, the CNS Mark registered manufacturers shall take corrective actions within one month, 
beginning on the following day, upon receipt of notices from the product certification agency.

Article 23
The CNS Mark registered manufacturers may apply to the product certification agency for 
re-issuing certificates if the CNS Mark certificate is lost, damaged or destroyed, 

Article 24
Where the scope of registration of a CNS Mark registered manufacturer is affected by the 
revocation or rescission of the recognition status or revision of recognition scope of a recognized 
QMS certification body or factory inspection body, the manufacturer shall apply for a change of the 
QMS certification body or factory inspection body by submitting a copy of the new QMS certificate 
or factory inspection report within three months, beginning on the following day, upon receipt of 
notices from the product certification agency. If the application for such changes is not made, the 
manufacturer shall take corrective actions within one month, beginning on the following day, upon 
receipt of notices from the product certification agency.
The application mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be approved if it complies with relevant 
provisions after review by the product certification agency. Non-compliant applications shall be 
rejected with reasons stated. The CNS Mark registered manufacturers may apply for a second 
review within one month, beginning on the following day, upon receipt of rejection notices.

Article 25
Where a CNS Mark registered manufacturer applies for a change of QMS certification agency or 
factory inspection agency, it shall submit a copy of the new QMS system certificate or factory 
inspection report to the product certification agency.
Where a CNS Mark registered manufacturer applies for a change of bodies that issue the test reports, 
it shall submit a copy of the compliance report of sampled-product tests issued by the original body 
to the product certification agency. The application shall not be made during the period when 
corrective actions are being taken as stipulated in Paragraph 3 of Article 16. 
The application mentioned in the preceding two Paragraphs shall be approved if it complies with 
relevant provisions after review by the product certification agency. Non-compliant applications 
shall be rejected with reasons stated.

Article 26
Where the CNS Mark certificates are obtained through fraudulent means, the product certification 
agency shall revoke such certificates and request the certificates to be returned by the 
The manufactures mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall efface the CNS Mark affixed to the 
products manufactured prior to the revocation, their packaging, containers, delivery notes or 
product-related information within two months, starting from the following day, upon receipt of the 
revocation notice from the product certification agency. The same applies to those indicating the 
status of being certified with CNS Mark by showing the certificate serial numbers and other texts.
Manufacturers shall not make a new application for the CNS Mark for the same products subjected 
to the revocation within one year, starting from the following day, upon the receipt of revocation 
notice mentioned in Paragraph 1. The same applies to those who have not effaced the CNS Mark 
completely in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.

Article 27
Under any of the following circumstances, the product certification agency shall rescind the CNS 
Mark certificates and request the registered manufacturers to return the certificate:
1.Where the corrective actions regarding affixing the CNS Mark have not been taken within the 
specified period as required by Paragraph 2 of Article 5;
2.Where payment of the CNS Mark fees are not made;
3.Where the corrective actions have not been taken within the specified period or no application of 
product testing is made upon expiry of the specified period as required by Paragraph 2 of Article 14, 
Article 15, Paragraph 3 of Article 16, Paragraph 3 of Article 22, or Paragraph 1 of Article 24;
4.Where violations of Article 15, Paragraph 5 of Article 16, Paragraph 3 of Article 19, or Paragraph 
3 of Article 21 are made, regarding prohibited use of CNS Mark;
5.Where the violation of Article 18 is made, regarding the prohibition of evasion, impediment, or 
refusal behavior;
6.Where the report was not made in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 19 
regarding any of the circumstances mentioned in Article 20 occur, or product production does not 
resume upon expiry of the period prescribed mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 19 for reported 
7.Where the use of CNS Mark is not reported to the product certification agency according to 
Paragraph 4 of Article 19;
8.Where the application for the second review is not made in accordance with the provisions of 
Paragraph 2 of Article 24 or noncompliance still exists after the second review; 
9.Where the CNS Mark registered manufacturers affix the CNS Mark to the products not covered in 
the registration scope and fail to take corrective actions within the specified period, or the same 
manufacturer makes the same violation again within five years;
10.Where the same products of CNS Mark registered manufacturers do not comply with national 
standards for two times within one year;
11.Where there are other violations against mandatory regulations that may endanger the life, body, 
health or property of consumers; 
12.Where the applicable national standards for CNS Mark products are announced to be rescinded; 
13.Where the product is announced to be removed from the CNS Mark Product List;
14.Where the company or business registration certificate, factory registration certificate or other 
equivalent qualification documents of the registered manufacturer is revoked, rescinded, or canceled 
by relevant authorities; or
15.Where the registered manufacturers are dissolved or close their business.
If the CNS Mark registered manufacturer applies for cancelling the CNS Mark, the product 
certification agency shall rescind the CNS Mark certificate and request the registered manufacturers 
to return the certificate. Application shall not be made if any of the circumstances specified in 
Subparagraphs 1 to 11 of the preceding Paragraph occur.
The CNS Mark products that comply with relevant national standards and are manufactured prior to 
the date of rescission specified in Subparagraphs 12 to 15 of Paragraph 1 and the preceding 
Paragraph may continue to use the CNS Mark.

Article 28
The CNS Mark registered manufactures shall efface the CNS Mark affixed to the products, their 
packaging, containers, delivery notes or product-related information within two months, starting 
from the following day, upon receipt of the recission notice mentioned in Subparagraphs 1 to 11 of 
Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article. The same applies to those indicating the status of being 
certified with CNS Mark by showing the certificate serial numbers and other texts.
Manufacturers shall not make a new application for the CNS Mark for the same products subjected 
to the rescission within six months, starting from the following day, upon the receipt of recission 
notice mentioned in Subparagraphs 1 to 11 of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article. 

Chapter IV   Supplementary Provisions

Article 29
The standards authority shall publish the names of CNS Mark registered manufacturers, their plants, 
their registered CNS Mark product names and other relevant information on the Standards Gazette. 
The same shall apply when the CNS Mark registered manufacturers are subject to a revocation or 
rescission decision.

Article 30
These Regulations shall take effect from the date of promulgation.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System