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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.03 15:53


Title: Natural Gas Enterprise Act Ch
Date: 2020.05.27
Legislative: 1. Enacted and Promulgated on February 1, 2011 per Order ref. Hwa-Tzong-1-Yi-Tze-No. 10000018911
2. Article 3、34、44、52、58~63 is Amended and Promulgated on May 25, 2016 per Order ref. Hwa-Tzong-1- Yi-Tze-No. 10500046011
3. Article 58-1 is added and promulgated by Presidential Order Hua-Tsung on May 27, 2020 per Order ref. Hwa-Tzong-1- Yi-Tze-No. 10900056511
Content: Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1
The Natural Gas Enterprise Act (henceforth the Act) is instituted to advance further development of 
natural gas enterprises, protect rights and interests of consumers, and ensure the public interest.

Article 2
The “Competent Authorities” stated in this Act are the Ministry of Economic Affairs (the “MOEA”) 
as the central level, municipal governments hence on municipal level, and the county (city) 
governments hence on county (city) level. (henceforth the AUTHORITIVE structure)

Article 3
Definitions of terms used in the Act:
1. “Natural Gas”: Refers to gas that are mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds originating from below 
ground level containing no less than eighty percent of methane.
2. “Natural Gas Enterprise”: Refers to the enterprises engaged in the production of NG, importation 
of NG, and public natural gas utilities. (henceforth the ENTERPRISES)
3. “Natural Gas Production Enterprise”: Refers to enterprises producing natural gas to supply public 
natural gas utilities, industrial sectors, power plants, cogeneration system or transportation sectors, 
etc. (henceforth the PRODUCER)
4. “Natural Gas Import Enterprise”: Refers to enterprises importing liquefied natural gas to supply 
public natural gas utilities, industrial sectors, power plants, cogeneration system or transportation 
sectors, etc. (henceforth the IMPORTER)
5. Natural gas utility enterprise: Refers to enterprises which supply natural gas to households, 
commercial sectors, and service businesses via natural gas conduit network. (henceforth the 
6. Public natural gas conduits installation enterprise: Refers to enterprises which undertake the 
installation of gas conduits for natural gas utility enterprises and users, and also the conduit safety 
and maintenance. (henceforth the CONDUIT INSTALLER)
7. Transmission and storage Facilities: Refers to following Facilities installed by natural gas 
enterprises for provisions: (henceforth the FACILITIES)
(1)Storage Facilities: Refers to FACILITIES for natural gas storage, including spherical type tanks 
and tube type tanks (henceforth the STORAGE)
(2)Transmission and distribution Facilities: Refers to transmission pipelines, booster stations, 
regulator stations, and other relevant equipment installed from the production or provision sources 
(henceforth the TRANSMISSION)
(3) Blending Facilities: Refers to FACILITIES for blending air or hydrocarbon gases to adjust 
heating value the natural gas provided. (henceforth the BLENDER)
(4)Regasification Facilities: Refers to FACILITIES for purpose as to regasify LNG into gaseous 
state. (henceforth the REGASFIER)
(5)Unloading Facilities: Refers to FACILITIES for the unloading of LNG at the LNG receiving 
terminals. (henceforth the TERMINAL)

Chapter 2 Registration and Permission
Article 4
The organization of ENTERPRISE for natural gas should be a company limited by shares 
incorporated pursuant and in accordance with the Company Act.
Those bodies without the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality shall not be the founders, directors, 
or supervisors of an ENTERPRISE.

Article 5
ENTERPRISES in operation should Submit an application form with the following documents to 
the central competent authorities for registration:
1. Corporate registration documents.
2. Map of Plant location.
3. Installation capacity per annum and projects for production or treatment.
4. Documentation for qualified inspections for FACILITIES
5. Layout and capacities of FACILITIES.
6. Leasing contractors should provide proof as evidence to show if the Processing plant and/or 
FACILITIES are leased.
IMPORTER should Submit an application form with the following documents to the central 
competent authorities for registration:
1. Corporate registration certificate.
2. Location of TERMINALS and its projected carrying/handling capacity.
3. Import and supply plans.
4. Documentation for qualifying inspections of FACILITIES.
5. Layout and capacities of FACILITIES.
6. Leasing contractors should provide proof as evidence to show if the FACILITIES are leased.

Article 6
For establishment as a UTILITY provider, the applicant must Submit an application form with the 
following documents to the AUTHORITIES of the municipal government or the county (city) 
governments for their annotation and review and forward to the central competent authorities for 
1. Business planning and scheduling
2. TRANSMISSION and STORAGE layout plans.
3. Drawings of pipeline installation plans provided as of 1/10,000 scale.
4. Gas supplying regional map as of 1/10,000 scale.
Following items should be stated clearly in the application form prescribed in the preceding Section:
1. Name of the Enterprise, Location and business address
2. Name of the party in charge, date of birth in YY/MM/DD, residential address, and Personal 
Identification documents.
Following items should be stated clearly in the Business planning prescribed in Section 1, 
Sub-Section 1:
1. Capital
2. Natural gas procuring project
3. Supplying areas.
4. Capacity of gas supply.
5. The number of regional supplying households, the amount of gas supplied alongside with 
calculation bases of each gas supply area.
6. Gas supply starting date of each gas supply area.
7. Items for transmission, storage equipment and total investment amount.
8. Projections of operational revenues, expenses and financial projects.
9. Transmission and storage equipment maintenance project.
10. Outcome analysis and risk assessment.

Article 7
AUTHORITIES of the municipal governments or the county (city) governments should publicize 
the application of UTILITY establishments prescribed in the preceding Section upon the receiving 
of it; the publication period is 30 days. The publication must specify that those who apply for 
establishment in the same gas supply region should Submit their applications within the publication 
period prescribed in the preceding Article, at the same time paying the deposit, and Submit the 
documents prescribed in the preceding Article within 60 days after the publication has expired.
Upon the receiving the application prescribed in the preceding Section, the AUTHORITIE must 
conduct a review, provide a written report, and notify the central competent authorities along with 
original application form and relevant documents for review.
The amount or method of payment, conditions of reimbursement and confiscating of the deposit 
prescribed in Section 1 would be validated by the central competent authorities.

Article 8
The division of gas supply areas of natural gas utility enterprises should be on the basis of a district 
in the case of municipalities, and the basis of districts or townships in the case of counties (cities), 
adjustments made by the central competent authorities for the following reasons are exceptions:
1. Alteration of the administrative district.
2. Economic effectiveness.
3. The original operator fails to provide sufficient natural gas to users in the approved gas supply 
areas. Also if failing to expand equipment or take other corrective measures before the deadline set 
by the authorities.
4. Other special needs.
Natural gas utility enterprises may not supply gas beyond their gas supply area without permission 
from the central competent authorities.

Article 9
Natural gas utility enterprises should do the following procedures after obtaining the establishment 
1. Corporate registration: complete corporate registration within 4 months after the date of obtaining 
the establishment permit.
2. Installing transmission and storage equipment: starting construction within 1 year from the date 
of obtaining the establishment permit.
3. Applying for gas supply operations: Submit application for gas supply operation within 3 years of 
obtaining the establishment permit.
Those unable to abide by deadlines prescribed in the preceding Section with due reasons may apply 
for an extension. The extension period of Sub-Section 1, Sub-Section 2, and Sub-Section 3 of the 
preceding Section should not exceed 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year respectively and should be 
limited to once per application. Nevertheless, delay days not attributed to the natural gas utility 
enterprise would be deducted from the calculation of the extension period.
The application of extensions prescribed in the preceding Section should be commented by 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments before notifying the 
central competent authorities for approval.
The central competent authorities would revoke the establishment permit of those failing to apply 
for corporate registration, installing transmission and storage equipment, or Submit gas supply 
operation application before the deadline prescribed in the Section 1 and 2.

Article 10
When natural gas utility enterprises apply for gas supply operations, they must attach the following 
documents in the application for the approval of central competent authorities for gas supply 
business licenses via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments:
1. Corporate registration documents.
2. Identification documents of the responsible party.
3. Certificate of paid-in capital.
4. Transmission and storage equipment, location qualification documents of inspection.
5. Three copies of the map of gas supply areas.
6. The map of transmission and storage equipment location.
7. Gas supply starting date.
Documentation prescribed in Sub-Section 4 of the preceding Section must be processed according 
to following prescriptions:
1. The Public natural gas utilities shall obtain the qualification documentation of equipment and 
location showing to be in accordance to labor safety, hygiene, and fire safety-regarding statutes and 
regulations from the relevant authorities.
2. When there is equipment and location other than that prescribed in the preceding Sub-Sections, 
natural gas utility enterprises must obtain qualification documentation of inspection from authorities 
of the municipal government or the county (city) governments after consulting with relevant 
authorities or civil inspection institutions approved by the authorities.
The qualifications, conditions, approving procedures, approval revocation, and relevant items of 
civil inspection institutions prescribed in Sub-Section 2 of the preceding Section would be provided 
by the central competent authorities.
When deciding to issue gas supply business licenses to natural gas utility enterprises, the Central 
competent authorities should take into account whether the pipelines of the applicant will pass 
through any primary streets of the implicated gas supply area.

Article 11
The gas supply business license prescribed in Section 1 of the preceding Article should clearly state 
following items:
1. The name of the enterprise and where the primary branch office is located.
2. Responsible party.
3. Paid-in capital amount.
4. Supplying areas.
When any of the items stated in the license prescribed in the preceding Section has been altered, 
natural gas utility enterprises must attach relevant documents in the application from for gas suppler 
business license renewal to the Central competent authorities via authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments.

Article 12
When the documents attached in the application for establishment permit or gas supplier business 
license if the applications are not complete, the authorities would ask the natural gas utility 
enterprise to complete the make-up procedure before a specified date. If the applicant has not 
completed the application before the deadline set by the authorities, its application would be 

Chapter 3 Equipment and Safety
Article 13
Material, testing, installation, and other safety regulations-regarding affairs of natural gas 
enterprise’s transmission and storage equipment must meet national standards or relevant 
regulations; in cases where there isn’t any national standard or relevant regulation; standards 
recognized by other progressive countries approved by central competent authorities will apply.
Natural gas enterprises should institute disaster prevention measures–including devices on the 
transmission and storage equipment in accordance to the prescriptions provided by the authorities.
Natural gas utility enterprises must install regional gas supply system with immediate blockage 
devices on the transmission and storage equipment.
The installation location of natural gas enterprise’s storage, mixing, gasification, and unloading 
equipment should abide by geological safety regulations.
The regulations of scope, items, and procedures of progressive countries provided in Section 1 as 
well as installation method, maintenance and other prescriptions prescribed in Section 2 would be 
stipulated by the central authorities.

Article 14
Natural gas utility enterprises must hire a certain number of full-time qualified pipeline-installation 
staff to take charge of pipeline constructions and relevant safety maintenance affairs.
The qualification, number, hiring or replacement, and other relevant affairs of qualified natural gas 
pipeline-installation staff will be prescribed in the preceding Section and reviewed by the central 
competent authorities.

Article 15
Before expanding or replacing primary transmission and storage equipment, natural gas utility 
enterprises should apply for approval via authorities of the municipal government or the county 
(city) governments to the central authorities. The preceding paragraph does not apply to any 
temporary expansion or replacements due to disaster, damage, or urgent accidents.
In the case of exceptions mentioned in the preceding Section, natural gas utility enterprise should 
report measures already taken via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) 
governments to the central competent authorities within 1 month of the occurrence from the date of 
the disaster, damage, or accident.
The central competent authorities may commission items prescribed in the preceding 2 Sections to 
approve or take into record for account when regarding it as necessary to the authorities of the 
municipal government or the county (city) governments.

Article 16
When transmission and storage equipment has risk of causing disasters, natural gas enterprises 
should immediately take necessary precautions or improving measures.
When a fire accident or other disasters occur near transmission and storage equipment, natural gas 
enterprises should assign technical staff to take preventive measures also posting clear signs around 
the site area; enterprises may also stop partial or entire gas supply, or demolish transmission and 
storage equipment that would pose hazard.

Article 17
When disasters, urgent accidents or circumstances prescribed in the preceding Article occur, natural 
gas enterprises should report to the authorities of note.
The regulations regarding reported criteria, deadlines, forms, procedures, and other relevant items 
prescribed in the preceding Section should be in accordance with the central competent authorities.

Article 18
Natural gas utility enterprises should inspect conduct-pipe among the meters and user’s devices or 
compliances, hence when receiving the user’s application for gas supply, and thus starting the 
supply after making sure there is no safety concern.
Natural gas utility enterprises should stipulate the inspection methods and procedures prescribed in 
the preceding Section, including the items, methods, standards, and other relevant items, and report 
via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments to the central 
authorities; the reported ruling also applies when public natural gas utilities are revised or the any 
items mentioned.

Article 19
Natural gas supplied by natural gas enterprises should meet national standards.
Natural gas supplied by natural gas utility enterprises should add odorous Substance for purposes of 
sniff recognition. Items and contents of the added odorous Substance should be periodically 
reported to the authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments.
The report forms, items, contents, and expiring date of odorous Substances prescribed in the 
preceding Section should be promulgated by the central competent authorities

Article 20
Before operation, natural gas utility pipeline-installation enterprises should apply for licenses from 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments.
Natural gas utility pipeline-installation enterprises should hire a certain number of full-time 
qualified natural gas pipeline-installation staff.
The regulations of licensed application, revision, withdrawal and revocation, requirements, 
procedures, and business scope of voluntary or statutory business suspensions, qualifications, 
number, hiring or replacement of qualified staffs and other prescribed items of natural gas utility 
pipeline-installation enterprises should be in accordance with the standards set by the central 

Chapter 4 Land
Article 21
When natural gas enterprises have to procure or rent land for the installation of transmission and 
storage equipment other than gas transmission equipment, they may report to authorities of the 
municipal government or the county (city) governments and ask for their reconciliation with other 
relevant authorities.

Article 22
When natural gas enterprises require the use of roads, rivers, ditches, bridges, embankments, 
woodlands, green spaces, parks, or other lands, facilities that are designated for public use, or public 
land and any overpass or underpass for the installation of transmission or storage equipment, they 
should obtain prior approval from relevant authorities; natural gas enterprises may also report to 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments of where the equipment is 
located and require assistance for any conciliation; if necessary, natural gas enterprises may also 
require help from the central authorities.

Article 23
When natural gas utility enterprises regard it as necessary, they may install pipelines around the 
outer edge of lands not of their own or buildings by notifying the owner or user in written form in 
advance; the owner or user may apply to the authorities of the municipal government or the county 
(city) governments for conciliation if she (he) does not agree to the installation; if the conciliation 
fails, natural gas utility enterprises may still install the pipelines after getting the approval from 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments and notifying the owner 
or user in written form 7 days before starting installation.
The notification prescribed in the preceding Section may be replaced by public notice if natural gas 
enterprises encounter severe difficulties regarding notifications prior sent in written form.
The installation of pipelines prescribed in Section 1 should be conducted on lands where damage is 
least possible and in the most caution, providing repair or compensation when necessary.

Article 24
When the owner or user of lands or buildings on which pipelines installed by natural gas utility 
enterprises prescribed in the preceding Article finds it necessary to modify the usage of lands or to 
expand existing limits , she (he) may ask the natural gas utility enterprise to relocate the pipelines; 
the expenses of relocating pipelines are shared under mutual agreement; if both parties fail to reach 
an agreement, they may apply to authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) 
governments for mediation; if the mediation fails, they may further the issue via other legal 

Article 25
Natural gas utility enterprises may enter into or use other lands or buildings when they find it 
necessary for pipeline installation, inspection, or maintenance with a 7-day prior written notice to 
the owner or user. However, when any form of disaster, damage, or urgent accidents occurs, the 
preceding paragraph does not apply.
Natural gas utility enterprises using lands or buildings according to the preceding Section may not 
destroy the terrain or geomorphology and construct any fixtures; hence they should compensate 
those who receive damage due to entering or usage of their lands or buildings; if there are any 
disagreement regarding the compensation project, natural gas utility enterprises should receive 
approval from authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments before 
executing their compensation.

Article 26
Gas transmission pipelines should be installed underground in principle; if natural gas enterprises 
find it necessary to install the pipelines on or over the ground, they should take in account regarding 
the transportation, irrigation, agriculture, landscape, or other relevant affairs on ground usage and 
safety of lands at the same time.

Article 27
Being recognized by the central competent authorities as necessarily required to install or maintain 
pipelines for supplying gas to natural gas utility enterprises, natural gas production or import 
enterprises may apply Article 23 to the preceding Article.
Chapter 5 Management

Article 28
Natural gas utility enterprises should contract with their suppliers, prescribing mutual obligations, 
gas supply calorific value, pressure, supply amount, metering point, pricing methods, and other 
items abided by both parties.
If necessary, the authorities may ask natural gas utility enterprises to offer the content of contract 
prescribed in the preceding Section.

Article 29
Natural gas utility enterprises should refer items regarding their services in the Articles of Operation 
and receive the approval from authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) 
governments before carrying them into effect. Authorities of the municipal government or the 
county (city) governments should report their approval with relevant data to the central competent 
authorities; when the Articles of Operation are revised, the preceding paragraphs apply as of note.
Items which have to be prescribed in the Articles of Operation also models for Articles of Operation 
should be reviewed by the central authorities.
Natural gas utility enterprises should publicly notify their Articles of Operation approved by 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments, also have them published 
on local newspapers 10 days prior to the day they are carried into effect, and making them available 
at business premises for the users to inspect; when the Articles of Operation are revised, the 
preceding paragraphs apply.
When there are social, economic changes, and when the items prescribe in the Articles of Operation 
are obviously no longer appropriate, thus obstructing the realization of public interest, damaging the 
user’s right or interest, or obliviously unfair, the authorities may notify natural gas utility enterprises 
to revise the Articles of Operation within a limited period.

Article 30
Without due reasons, natural gas utility enterprises may not refuse claims to supply natural gas in 
their gas supply areas.

Article 31
Natural gas production or import enterprises should maintain a steady gas supply, and store 
sufficient supply amounts to meet their user’s demands.
Natural gas production or import enterprises should store a minimum defined days of tank capacity 
on their own.
The tank capacity prescribed in the preceding Section should be reviewed by the central competent 

Article 32
The sell price calculation of natural gas production or import enterprise’s supply should be approved 
by the central competent authorities.
Before the approval is prescribed in the preceding Section, the central competent authorities should 
invite scholars, experts, civil groups such as consumer protection organizations and hold a review 
panel to review the sell price calculation method, and launch a hearing according to the 
Administrative Procedure Act if necessary.
When the sell price is approved according to Section 1 alters, the enterprises should publicly notify 
in advance and report to the central competent authorities 3 days prior the date of price alteration; if 
the calculations of sell price is unreasonable, the central competent authorities may order the 
enterprises to make proper adjustment.
The price calculation methods, cost structure, sale price, and relevant data of natural gas production 
or import enterprise’s supply should be kept for 5 years; the central competent authorities may 
inspect or ask for to offer items prescribed in the preceding paragraph if necessary therefore 
enterprises should not evade, obstruct, or decline.
Natural gas production or import enterprises with other business operations should establish 
separate accounting systems to calculate assets, revenues, costs, profits and losses respectively.

Article 33
Natural gas utility enterprises may supply natural gas to other sectors, yet should not affect the 
stable supply of gas to families, commercial businesses, and service sectors at the same time.
In the above case, the natural gas utility enterprise should summit to the authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments with the following documents, and a notification shall 
be transited to the central competent authority for reference.
1. Name of the users.
2. Daily peak loaded volumes.
3. Transmission and storage equipment in use.
In case of supplying natural gas to the user according to Section 1, natural gas utility enterprises 
should establish accounting items which calculate the profit and loss respectively, and may not 
perform cross subsidies or cross complements.

Article 34
For selling natural gas to families, commercial and service sector businesses, the natural gas utility 
enterprises shall calculate the sales prices and basic fees in accordance with the calculated 
regulations, and summit to the authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) 
governments with the relevant documents. The applications shall be transited to the central 
competent authority and obtained the approval from the authority before in force. Any adjustment of 
sales prices and/or basic fees should be processed following the above procedures.
The central competent authority has the right to order the natural gas utility enterprises to reexam 
the gas sales prices and/or basic fees in a time period, and following the preceding procedures to 
obtain the central competent authority’s approval.
The calculated regulations including the components of sales prices and basic fees, the calculating 
formula, the reviewing time period and the supporting data shall be ruled by the central competent 
authority. If necessary, the central competent authority should hold a review panel in accordance 
with the Section 2 of Article 32 to assist in reviewing the calculated regulations.
Before the central competent authority approve the gas sales prices and basic fees based on the 
section 1, it should hold a review panel in accordance with the Section 2 of Article 32 to assist in 
reviewing the calculations.
When the gas purchasing cost fluctuates, natural gas utility enterprises should synchronously adjust 
their natural gas sale price according to the amount of fluctuated cost, and report to authorities of 
the municipal government or the county (city) governments within 7 days from the date of 
adjustment. Authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments should notify 
the central competent authorities when they receive the report.

Article 35
Natural gas utility enterprises may charge fees from the users when they install natural gas pipeline 
equipment for families, commercial businesses and service sectors; natural gas utility enterprises 
should charge fees according to fee charging regulations and report to the central competent 
authorities via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments.
Authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments should announce the 
name lists of qualified natural gas pipeline installation enterprises for users to choose from in the 
commission of in-building pipeline equipment installations.
Natural gas utility enterprises may not start supplying natural gas unless they complete inspections 
on the equipment installed by natural gas pipeline installation enterprises.
Fee charging regulation prescribes in Section 1 should be reviewed by the central competent 

Article 36
In order to secure consumers’ household safety, the central competent authorities should formulate 
natural gas utility enterprises’ for promoting projects of computerized gas metering systems and 
carry out the project year by year, the computerized gas metering system should be included with 
functions of auto shut-down for earthquakes or below set supply pressure, linking capability, remote 
reading, and so on.

Article 37
Natural gas utility enterprises should maintain normal full-day gas supply; if natural gas utility 
enterprises encounter forces majeure or urgent accidents and regard it as necessary to suspend entire 
or partial gas supply over 8 hours, they should obtain approval from the central competent 
authorities in advance and notify their users 3 days before the date of suspension; if the gas supply 
suspension lasts over 7 days, natural gas utility enterprises should obtain approval from the 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments, and report to the central 
competent authorities.
When the natural gas utility enterprises suspend the gas supply due to forces majeure or urgent 
accidents prescribed in the preceding Section, they should report to the local government within 3 
days from the date which accidents have occurred.

Article 38
When natural gas utility enterprises enlarge or replace their primary transmission and storage 
equipment after starting gas supply and operation, they should attach certificates prescribed in 
Article 10, Section 1, Sub-Section 4 after completion and reporting to the central competent 
authorities via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments.

Article 39
When a natural gas utility enterprise merges with other businesses, all merging parties should 
clearly state business names, responsible persons, location of the primary branch office, paid-in 
capital amount, and gas supplying areas after merging in the application form, and attach merging 
operation projects as well as relevant documentation to request approval from the central competent 
authorities , and carry out the merging projects according to relevant statutes and regulations.

Article 40
When a natural gas utility operates other businesses at the same time, it should seek approval from 
the central competent authorities via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) 
governments, and may not affect gas supply operations.
When a natural gas utility enterprise operates other businesses at the same time, it should establish 
an accounting system which calculates assets, revenues, costs, profits and losses respectively.

Article 41
The amount of paid-in capital of natural gas utility enterprises should not be lower than 35% of the 
original acquiring cost of current transmission and storage equipment. If a natural gas utility 
enterprise’s amount of paid-in capital is lower than the preceding amount, the paid-in capital should 
be increased within 3 months from the date when the fact happens.
Before natural gas utility enterprises alter their paid-in capital, they should Submit the project and 
request for approval from the central competent authorities via authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments and run the alteration procedures according to relevant 
statutes and regulations.
The authorities may ask for explanations of the project prescribed in the preceding Section or send 
staff to inspect; Public natural gas utilities may not evade, obstruct, or decline the authorities’ 
request for explanation or inspection.
The forms and items of the project prescribed in Section 2 should be reviewed by the central 
competent authorities.

Article 42
Natural gas utility enterprises’ reinvestment of other businesses may not affect their normal 
operation of gas supply; natural gas utility enterprises reinvesting on other businesses should report 
the investment items and amount to and ask for approval from the central competent authorities via 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments prior to any reinvestment 
project coming into effect.

Article 43
Natural gas utility enterprises should establish accounting system according to Accounting 
Standards and Regulations and stimulate Accounting Procedures Manual and report to the central 
competent authorities via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments; 
when the Manual is revised, the preceding paragraph applies.
The Accounting Standards and Regulations prescribed in the preceding Section should be stimulated 
by the central competent authorities.
Natural gas utility enterprises should send accounting statements periodically to authorities of the 
municipal government or the county (city) governments and central competent authorities 
respectively according to accounting processing regulation prescribed in Section 1.
The central or authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments may ask 
natural gas utility enterprises to explain or send staff to inspect accounting statements prescribed in 
the preceding Section when they regard it as necessary, and natural gas utility enterprises may not 
evade, obstruct, or decline.

Article 44
Natural gas enterprises have an obligation to insure public liability insurance;the insurance 
coverage should be decided by central competent authorities after conferring with the Financial 
Supervisory Commission according to the categories and business scale of the natural gas 

Chapter 6 Supervision
Article 45
In the event of a natural gas shortage or great fluctuation in prices that might affect the steady 
supply of domestic natural gas or national security, the central competent authorities may carry out 
regulatory measures that are mandatory regarding natural gas supply and sell price.
The conditions, timing, procedures, applying object, scope, content and methods of the regulatory 
measures prescribed in the preceding Section should be reviewed by the central competent 

Article 46
Natural gas utility enterprises should review gas supply projects yearly, stating the growth of users, 
amount of gas supplied, length of pipelines installed, gas supply region, and other relevant data, and 
ask for approval from the central competent authorities via authorities of the municipal government 
or the county (city) governments, and carry out the projects conscientiously; the authorities may 
inspect the gas supply projects when they regard it as necessary.
The content, forms, Submit deadlines, and other relevant items should be publicly notified by the 
central competent authorities.

Article 47
Natural gas enterprises should establish a transmission and storage geographical information 
management system based on relevant data of transmission and storage equipment, updating the 
data within the system properly, and periodically sending the data to the authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments or central competent authorities ; therefore authorities 
of all levels may be notified, hence natural gas enterprises should update the data within a limited 
period when they regard it as necessary.
The forms, items, authorities to receive data and the deadlines of geographical information system 
data prescribed in the preceding Section should be reviewed by the central competent authorities.

Article 48
Natural gas utility enterprises should periodically inspect the pipelines of families, commercial 
businesses, and service sectors, and state the results. If the result does not meet the requirements, 
they should notify the users to apply correcting measures by a specified deadline; the preceding 
paragraphs apply either if the user requests natural gas utility enterprises to run the inspection.
When the user declines the inspection prescribed in the preceding Section, and natural gas utility 
enterprises find it posing safety concerns, natural gas utility enterprises may forcibly run the 
inspection with staff from relevant authorities after the approval of authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments.
Entities other than that of the natural gas utility enterprises may not run the inspection prescribed in 
Section 1. However, public natural gas utilities may commission natural gas pipeline installation 
enterprises to run the inspection.
Staffs running the inspection prescribed in Section 1 and staffs commissioned to run the inspection 
prescribed in the preceding Section should initiatively show their identification when running 
inspections of this type.
The items, periods, operating methods, billing items, and price calculation items of inspection 
prescribed in Section 1 should be stated clearly on the operating rules of natural gas utility 
enterprises after approved by the Central competent authorities via authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments. However, natural gas utility enterprises may not 
charge families when running periodical inspections.
When running these inspections prescribed in Section 1, Public natural gas utilities may not promote 
or sell any form of goods.

Article 49
Natural gas enterprises should periodically inspect gas transmission pipelines self-installed by 
enterprises of industry, electricity, cogeneration systems or transportation users, and state the result; 
if the result does not meet the requirements, natural gas enterprises should notify the users to take 
improvement measures.
Items, periods, price calculating methods, and operation rules of periodical inspections should be 
approved by the Central competent authorities via authorities of the municipal government or the 
county (city) governments.

Article 50
Natural gas enterprises should run periodical inspections on their transmission and storage 
equipment on their own, record the results, and preserve them for 5 years for the authorities to 
Natural gas enterprises should report their periodical inspection items and operating rules prescribed 
in the preceding Section to the central authorities; the preceding paragraph applies when natural gas 
enterprises revise their inspection items or operating rules.
The Central competent authorities should inspect transmission and storage equipment of natural gas 
production or import enterprises, and authorities of the municipal government or county (city) 
governments should inspect transmission and storage equipment of natural gas utility enterprises at 
least once a year; the authorities may inspect randomly if they deemed it as necessary.
The authorities may delegate or commission checking businesses prescribed in the preceding 
Section to Subordinates or other agencies.
Natural gas enterprises may not evade, obstruct, or decline the inspections prescribed in Section 1 
and 3.

Article 51
When natural gas enterprises find that their gas transmission pipelines are eroded or showing any 
signs that pose safety concerns, they should replace them at once.
The authorities may assign staff or commission professional institutions to inspect the gas 
transmission pipelines of natural gas enterprises; and the enterprises may not evade, obstruct, or 
Natural gas enterprises should draft their gas transmission pipelines inspection and replacement 
projects for the next year before October 31th of every year, and report to the Central competent 
authorities via authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments.

Article 52
The central competent authorities may request natural gas enterprises for explanation their business 
operations and financial balance, hence assigning various staff , commission professionals and/or 
professional institute to inspect actual operational proceedings and collect relevant data when they 
regard it as necessary; the enterprises concerned may not evade, obstruct, or refuse.

Article 53
Natural gas enterprises should report the supply amount, user categories, household numbers 
monthly, and the balance of payments as well as profits and losses every six months to the central 
competent authorities.
The report items, forms, periods, and other obligations prescribed in the preceding Section should 
be reviewed by the central competent authorities.

Article 54
Natural gas utility enterprise should set aside the reserve fund for gas transmission pipeline 
replacement and deposit it in a special account created in financial institutions; natural gas utility 
enterprise should report the special account and the name of the financial institution where the 
account was created to authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments; 
authorities of the municipal government or the county (city) governments should refer natural gas 
utility enterprise’s preceding and report to the central competent authorities .
The method, ratio, and condition for use of the reserve fund for gas transmission pipeline 
replacement set aside according to the preceding Section should be reviewed by the central 
competent authorities.

Article 55
If a natural gas utility enterprise has operational difficulty due to poor management or insufficient 
amounts of transmission and storage equipment, which could lead to its incapability of maintain a 
sufficient full-day normal gas supply prescribed in Article 37, Section 1, authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments should ask natural gas utility enterprise to take 
improvement measures within a limited period. If the natural gas utility enterprise is unwilling or 
unable to improve effectively to the standard, authorities of the municipal government or the county 
(city) governments may report to the central competent authorities and suggest to replace 
responsible personnel or revoke their gas supply operation license; the central competent authorities 
may coordinate other natural gas utility enterprises to take over in advance when they regard it as 

Chapter 7 Penalty
Article 56
Any party who endangers public safety by causing natural gas leakages would be sentenced to 
imprisonment for not more than 5 years, short-term detention; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, 
a fine between NT$ 500,000 and 1,000,000.
If the offense charged in the preceding Section results in death, the offender would be sentenced to 
life imprisonment or imprisonment for more than 7 years; in addition thereto, a fine not more than 
NT$ 10,000,000; if the offence charged in the preceding Section results in serious physical injury, 
the offender would be sentenced to imprisonment between 3 and 10 years; in addition thereto, a fine 
not more than NT$ 5,000,000 will be prescribed.
Any party who negligently committed an offence specified in Section 1 would be sentenced to 
imprisonment for not more than 2 years, short-term detention; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, 
a fine between NT$ 200,000 and 400,000.
Any of the responsible persons, agents, employees, or other parties of the legal individuals who 
commit crimes indicated in the preceding 3 Sections when performing duties would be punished 
respectively; and the legal individual itself will also be Subjected to the fine prescribed in the 
preceding Sections.

Article 57
One who does not hold a gas supply license according to Article 10, Section 1 but arbitrarily 
operates any sort of businesses of natural gas utility enterprises would be fined between NT$ 
3,000,000 and 15,000,000 and ordered to cease the gas supply.

Article 58
A natural gas utility enterprise violating Article 8, Section 2 and arbitrarily supplying gas beyond 
the gas supply areas would be fined between NT$ 600,000 and 3,000,000, and would be ordered to 
take improving measures within a limited period. Any natural gas utility enterprise failing to comply 
by the deadline will be fined until satisfactory improving measures are taken. If the offense is of a 
serious nature, the authorities may also forcibly demolish transmission and storage equipment 
beyond the gas supply area.

Article 58-1
A natural gas utility enterprise violating Article 30 and refusing claims to supply natural gas in the 
gas supply areas without due reasons would be fined between NT$ 600,000 and 3,000,000, and 
would be ordered to take improving measures within a limited period. Any natural gas enterprise 
failing to comply by the deadline will be fined until satisfactory improving measures are taken. If 
the offense is of a serious nature, the authorities may also revoke the establishment permit and gas 
supply license when a natural gas utility enterprise commits the offense.

Article 59
Any of the following offenses by a natural gas enterprise will result in a fine between NT$ 500,000 
and 2,500,000 and ordered to take improving measures within a limited period. Any natural gas 
enterprise failing to comply by the deadline will be fined until satisfactory improving measures are 
taken. If the offense is of a serious nature, the authorities may also revoke the establishment permit 
and gas supply license when a natural gas utility enterprise commits the offense:
1. Supplying natural gas which does not meet national standards in violation of Article 19, Section 
2. Not abiding by Article 28, Section 2 to offer data regarding the contract content.
3. Not abiding by Article 31 in keeping steady gas supply.
4. Not abiding by Article 32, Section 1 to request the authorities’ approval for price calculation, or 
not abiding by Section 3 to adjust according to the central competent authorities’order.
5. Not abiding by Article 33, Section 2 in reporting to the authority.
6. Not abiding by Article34, Section 1 and arbitrarily adjusting the sale price or basic fees.
7. Not abiding by Article 34, Section 2 to request the authorities’ approval for price calculation.
8. Not abiding by Article 41, Section 1 to increase the paid-in capital amount before the deadline.
9. Not abiding by Article 44, to insure public liability insurance or to meet the requirements of 
insurance coverage.
10. Violating the regulatory measures taken according to Article 45.

Article 60
Any of the following offenses by a natural gas enterprise will result in a fine between NT$ 300,000 
and 1,500,000 and be ordered to take improving measures within a limited period. Any natural gas 
enterprises failing to comply by the deadline will be fined until satisfactory improving measures are 
taken. If the offense is of a serious nature, the authorities may also revoke the establishment permit 
and gas supply license when a natural gas utility enterprise that commits the offense:
1. Not abiding by Article 13, Section 2 to install disaster prevention–devices.
2. Not abiding by Article 13, Section 3 to install regional gas supply systems with immediate 
severing devices on the transmission and storage equipment.
3. Not abiding by Article 16, Section 1 to take immediately necessary or improving measures.
4. Failing to inspect the pipelines and ensuring their safety before the starting of gas supply in 
violation of Article 18, Section 1.
5. Failing to report the items and density of added odorous Substance in violation of Article 19, 
Section 2, or the density of added odorous Substance are lower than the reported.
6. Not abiding by Article 32, Section 4 to preserve or offer data, or to evade, obstruct, or decline the 
inspection from the authorities.
7. Not abiding by Article 35, Section 1 to charge pipeline equipment fees according to fee charging 
8. Evading, obstructing, or declining the inspection in violation of Article 51, Section 2.

Article 61
Any of the following offenses by a natural gas enterprise will result in a fine between NT$ 200,000 
and 1,000,000 and ordered to take improving measures within a limited period. Any natural gas 
enterprise failing to comply by the deadline will be fined until satisfactory improving actions are 
taken. If the offense is of a serious nature, the authorities may also revoke the establishment permit 
and gas supply license when a natural gas utility enterprise commits the offense:
1. Failing to hire a certain number of full-time pipe-installation professional staff in violation of 
Article 14, Section 1.
2. Failing to report to the authorities in violation of Article 17, Section 1, or failing to report 
according to the deadlines, forms, or procedures prescribed in Article 17, Section 2.
3. Evading, obstructing, or declining explanations or inspections in violation of Article 41, Section 3, 
Article 43, Section 4, Article 50, Section 5, or Article 52.
4. Failing to review a gas supply project, and obtaining the authorities’ approval before the deadline, 
or to carry out the projects conscientiously in violation of Article 46, Section 1.
5. Not abiding by Article 50, Section 1 to run periodical inspections on their own, record or to 
preserve the results.
6. Not abiding by Article 51, Section 1 to replace obsolete gas-transmission pipelines.
7. Not abiding by Article 54, Section 1 to create a special account, or set aside the reserve for gas 
transmission pipeline replacement in full amount.

Article 62
Any of the following offenses by a natural gas enterprise will result in a fine between NT$ 100,000 
and 500,000 and be ordered to take improving measures within a limited period. Any natural gas 
enterprise failing to comply by the deadline will be fined until satisfactory improving measures are 
1. Not abiding Article 5 to register before doing business.
2. Failing to apply for issuance of a new business license in violation of Article 11, Section 2.
3. Failing to obtain approval from the authorities in violation of Article 15, Section 1, Article 35, 
Section 1, Article 40, Section 1, Article 41, Section 2, Article 42, Article 48, Section 5, or Article 49, 
Section 2.
4. Failing to report to the authorities in violation of Article 15, Section 2, Article 34, Section 3, 
Article 38, Article 43, Section 1, Article 50, Section 2, Article 51, Section 3, or Article 54, Section 1.
5. Failing to Submit operational rules to and obtain the approval from authorities of the municipal 
government or the county (city) governments in violation of Article 29, Section 1, or failing to 
revise the operating rules before the deadline specified by the authorities in violation of Section 4.
6. Failing to publicly notify or report to the Central competent authorities in time would be in 
violation of Article 32, Section 3.
7. Failing to obtain approval from or report to the authorities or notify the users is in violation of 
Article 37.
8. Failing to establish transmission and storage geographical information management system or 
update data in time is in violation of Article 13, Section 4 or Article 47, Section 1.
9. Failing to inspect periodically or state the results is in violation of Article 48, Section 1 or Article 
49, Section 1.
10. Failing to report is in violation of Article 53, Section 1.

Article 63
One who does not obtain a license according to Article 20, Section 1 and arbitrarily operates 
businesses of a natural gas utility pipeline installation enterprise would be fined between NT$ 
300,000 and 1,500,000; the preceding paragraph applies to one who does not abide by the business 
suspension order from the authorities either.
One who fails to hire a certain number of full-time natural gas pipeline installation professional staff 
would be fined between NT$ 30,000 and 150,000 and ordered to take improving measures by a 
specified deadline. Any natural gas enterprise failing to comply by the deadline will be fined until 
satisfactory improving measures are taken.

Article 64
A natural gas utility whose business license has been revoked according to Article 55 and Article 59 
to 61,would be notified regarding the cancellation of the license; The central competent authorities 
would cancel the license directly if the previous license fails to be canceled.

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
Article 65
The central competent authorities coordinates the other natural gas utility enterprises to take over 
the business of the original natural gas utility enterprise whose business license has been revoked 
according to Article 55 and Article 59 to 61. Transmission and storage facilities owned by the 
original utility would be on a pay base compensation to provide a constant supply of gas 

Article 66
A natural gas utility enterprise who intends to expand its gas supply region, Article 6 to 12 would be 

Article 67
Any operation of a natural gas enterprise already underway before this Act comes into effect, who 
was not in compliance with any provision of this Act, must be brought into compliance with this Act 
within 1 year from the date this Act comes into effect.

Article 68
Any operation of businesses of a natural gas utility enterprise underway holding coal-gas business 
licenses according to other regulations before this Act comes into effect should apply for a 
temporary gas supply business license within 1 year after the date this Act comes into effect. One 
who fails to apply for a temporary license or meet licensing conditions would have the original 
coal-gas business licenses revoked by the central competent authorities through a public notification. 
Any party who continues to supply gas after the coal-gas business license is revoked would be 
punished according to Article 57.
A natural gas utility enterprise obtaining the temporary gas supply business license according to the 
preceding Section must apply for a gas supply permit from the central competent authorities 2 years 
after the end date of 1 year period noted in Section 1. One who fails to obtain the permit by the 
dateline would have its temporary gas supply business license revoked upon the date of the period 
noted in Section 1, and it’s gas supply areas taken over by other natural gas utility enterprises under 
coordination from the central authorities’. Transmission and storage equipment owned by the 
original utility enterprise would be kept in use and used to supply gas on a paid basis as 

Article 69
Safety technicians hired by natural gas utility enterprises or full-time technicians hired by natural 
gas utility pipeline installation enterprises before this Act comes into effect may obtain 
qualifications of natural gas pipeline installation professionals via passing a special technician skills 
certification test held by the central skill certification authorities.
Safety technicians or full-time technicians hired under the preceding Section not qualified under 
Article 14, Section 2 or Article 20, Section 3 may still be hired by the original enterprises to process 
businesses regarding gas supply pipeline installation and relevant safety maintenance 5 years after 
the date this Act comes into effect.
The regulation of special skill certification prescribed in Section 1 would be reviewed by the central 
competent authorities after conferring with the central skill certification authorities.

Article 70
Article 4 regarding organization types of an enterprise, and Article 6 to 12 regarding the permit of 
an enterprise, Article 13 to 19 regarding equipment safety of an enterprise, Article 21 to 27 
regarding lands of an enterprise, Article 28 to 30 and Article 33 to 35, Article 37 to 44 regarding the 
enterprises management, Article 45 to 55 regarding the supervision of an enterprise, and Article 65 
to 69 can be applied to via enterprises who supply propane - air mixture fuel gas for natural gas 
appliances in certain area and/or districts where the gas provider’s transmission and storage 
facilities have not been installed.
Violating regulations mentioned in the preceding paragraph would be punished according to Article 
56 to 64.

Article 71
Portions regarding gas and natural gas enterprises prescribed in the Act on the Supervision of 
Privately-Own Public Utilities and Energy Management Law should not apply upon since the date 
this Act comes into effect.

Article 72
This Act shall come into force on the date of promulgation.
Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System