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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.03 19:34


Title: Regulations Governing Fees for Limited Partnership Ch
Date: 2020.01.14
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on December 9, 2015 by ORDER No.Taiwan-Economic-Commerce-10402427610
of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
2.Amended on January14, 2020

Article   1

These Regulations are prescribed pursuant to Article 43 of the Limited Partnership Act and Article

10 Paragraph 1 of the Charges and Fees Act.


Article   2

A limited partnership applying for pre-check of the name and business scope shall pay a charge and

fee in the amount of NT$300 for each application. If the pre-check application is filed

electronically, the charge and fee shall be in the amount of NT$150 for each application.


Article   3

A limited partnership applying for formation registration shall pay a charge and fee at the rate of

NT$1 for every NT$4,000 in its amount of paid-in capital, provided that the charge and fee to be

paid under this paragraph shall not be less than NT$1,000.


Article   4

A foreign limited partnership applying for branch office registration shall pay acharge and fee at the

rate of NT$ 1 for every NT$4,000 in the operating funds allocated for exclusive use by its business

place in Taiwan, provided that the charge and fee to be paid under this paragraph shall not be less

than NT$1,000.


Article   5

A limited partnership or a foreign limited partnership applying for registration of increasing capital

contribution or operating funds shall pay a charge and fee at the rate of NT$1 for every NT$4,000 in

the increased portion, provided that the charge and fee to be paid under this paragraph shall not be

less than NT$1,000.


Article   6

A limited partnership applying for formation or alteration registration of a branch office, or a

foreign limited partnership applying for alteration registration of a branch office, shall pay a charge

and fee at the rate of NT$1,000 for each branch office.


Article   7

A limited partnership applying for registration other than formation registration, registration of

increasing capital contribution and formation or alteration registration of a branch office shall pay a

charge and fee in the amount of NT$1,000.

A foreign limited partnership applying for a registration other than formation registration of a

branch office, registration of increasing operating funds and alteration registration of a branch office

shall pay acharge and fee in the amount of NT$1,000.


Article   8

The charges and fees charged under Article 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 of these Regulations shall be reduced by

NT$300 per application filed and uploaded electronically.


Article   9

The calculation standard of a charge and fee for applying for inspecting or photocopying any

Specific limited partnership shall be as follows:

1.Inspection: a charge and fee shall be paid in the amount of NT$400 per each limited partnership

whose registered information is to be inspected. If the inspection time exceeds two hours, an

additional NT$100 will be charged for every additional hour. In case that the above additional

inspection time is less than one hour, a one hour fee shall still be charged.

2.Photocopy: an applicant shall pay NT$2 for each page of the inspected registered documents of

any limited partnership.

An additional charge and fee in the amount of NT$50 shall be paid for mailing photocopies made

under the Item 2 of the preceding paragraph.


Article   10

Except for an application made in accordance with Item 2, Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, a

charge and fee of NT$10 per each limited partnership shall be paid for application for access under

certain conditions or within certain scope to the public information of the limited partnership

website to be printed on hard copies or in other electronic forms.

An additional charge and fee in the amount of NT$50 shall be paid for mailing photocopies made

under the preceding paragraph.


Article   11

In applying for issuance of a certificate, the applicant shall pay a charge and fee in the amount of

NT$200 for each certificate. In case two or more copies of the same certificate are requested in the

same application, then a charge and fee at the charging rate of NT$100 shall be payable for each

additional copy of such certificate.

In applying for issuance of an English certificate, the applicant shall pay a charge and fee in the

amount of NT$600 for each certificate. In case two or more copies of the same English certificate

are requested in the same application, then a charge and fee at the charging rate of NT$100 shall be

payable for each additional copy of such certificate.


Article   12

Under any of the following circumstances, a limited partnership shall be exempted from charges and


1. Where an application is filed for alteration registration of the address of the limited partnership, a

responsible person or a partner, resulted from rezoning of administrative zones or reassignment of

door numbers; or

2. Where an application is filed for registration of business suspension, extension, resumption,

dissolution or nullification;

3. Where an application for other registrations is filed together with the application for formation

registration or registration of increasing capital contribution by a limited partnership, or for

formation registration of a branch office or registration of increasing operating funds by a foreign

limited partnership.

4. Where an application is due to the change of laws.


Article   13

These Regulations shall take effect from the date of promulgation.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System