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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.04 07:30


Title: Regulations on Governing The Self-Use Permits for Sewage or Effluent of Sewerage Ch
Date: 2016.08.11
Legislative: A Total of 14 articles were promulgated on Augest 11, 2016 by the ordinance of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Ref. No. Ching-Shui-Tzu 10504603730
Content: Article 1
These Regulations are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 4 of Article 11 of Reclaimed 
Water Resources Development Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act").

Article 2    
The user who gains an average amount of 300 cubic meters per day or more of wastewater 
(sewage) or effluent water from the sewer system for self-use as reclaimed water (such 
a user hereinafter referred to as the "self-user") shall submit the reclaimed water 
usage plan to the competent authority of the municipality or county (city) or the competent 
authority governing the Specific Area (hereinafter referred to as the "Competent Authority") 
to apply for the use permit of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water (hereinafter referred 
to as the "Use Permit"). In the event of any change, the disposition shall be the same as 
For a self-user whose average daily water use is less than 300 cubic meters, if it 
obstructs the effective use of the sewer system water source or other public interests, 
the Competent Authority may impose restrictions or order the self-user to apply for the 
As for when the Competent Authority that uses the wastewater (sewage) or effluent water 
from its sewer system as reclaimed water for the purpose of specific land development 
projects or for official uses within its jurisdiction, these Regulations shall not apply.

Article 3
When the Competent Authority accepts the applications of the self-users, the order of 
the applications shall be determined by the time when the reclaimed water usage plan 
is accepted by the Competent Authority. However, for applications submitted by registered 
mail, the time shall be based on the postmark on the day of mailing.

Article 4
The following matters shall be stated in the reclaimed water usage plan:
1.Basic information for the applicant: Certifying documents for the natural person, 
  legal person, unincorporated body, sole proprietorship or partnership.
2.Plans for self-use, reclaimed water usage descriptions, and water use area and range.
3.The plot number, area, land ownership, use rights or other rights, and the zoning 
  descriptions for the land where the water intake construction is located; and the land 
  transcript, cadastral map transcription marking the location of the water intake construction 
  and the land use consent certificate of shall be attached.
4.Name of the sewer system used, water intake quantity, and reclaimed water quantity.
5.Appilication for effective period of the use.
6.Detailed drawings and descriptions of the water intake construction, construction schedule,  
  and contingency plans.
7.The portion of the sewer system involved that needs to be changed or expanded.
8.Automatic water quantity monitoring mechanism.
9.Regular inspections, maintenance and management, and annual repairs, including actions 
  taken, frequency and methods.
10.Risk management plan.
For applications for wastewater (sewage) gained from the sewer system, in the detailed drawings 
and descriptions of the water intake construction of Subparagraph 6 of the preceding Paragraph, 
the impact on the structure and operation of the sewer system shall be described.
For applications for wastewater (sewage) or effluent water not gained through water intake 
construction, only matters in Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10 need be specified.
The risk management plan in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 10 shall include contingency measures and 
backup plans for the insufficient supply of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water.

Article 5
When sewer system engineering facilities are rebuilt, constructed or modified as necessary, 
the self-users shall cooperate in stopping the water intake and modifying their water intake 
constructions and relevant facilities, and shall bear the cost of modifying the water intake 
constructions and relevant facilities.

Article 6    
After the Competent Authority accepts the application for self-use, it shall, within three months, 
complete the review and make a decision; if necessary, the extension may be made and the applicant 
shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the extension before the expiration of the original 
processing period. The extension shall be made only once and shall be no longer than three months.
If the content of the documentation for review in the preceding Paragraph is incomplete, the applicant 
shall be notified to make supplements and corrections within a time limit; if the applicant fails to 
make supplements and corrections within the time limit or the supplements and corrections are incomplete, 
the application shall be rejected.
The supplement and correction period of the preceding Paragraph will not be included in the review 
period of Paragraph 1.

Article 7    
Where the reclaimed water usage plan is approved by the Competent Authority after review, 
the following matters shall be stated in the Use Permit issued:
1.Basic information for the self-user.
2.Water intake construction for the self-use application, reclaimed water usage descriptions, 
  and water use area and range.
3.Name of the sewer system used, water intake quantity, and intake times.
4.Start and end dates of the Use Permit’s period of effect.
5.Other required information.
The Use Permit period of effect in the preceding Paragraph shall be no longer than fifteen years.

Article 8    
If it is necessary for the self-user to change the contents of the reclaimed water usage plan 
approved in the preceding Article, the reasons for the change, the comparison table for the 
changed contents, and the relevant certificates and documentation shall be submitted to the 
Competent Authority for approval.
Where the change in the preceding Paragraph involves Article 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 4 
to 7, the change plan shall be additionally attached to explain the contents of the change and 
its relevant detailed drawings and descriptions.
If the water intake quantity is increased by 20% or more, the application shall be re-submitted.

Article 9    
After completion of water intake construction, the self-user shall submit the completion report 
and the inspection and maintenance manual to the Competent Authority for inspection.
The completion report in the preceding Paragraph shall include the as-built drawings of the water 
intake construction, computer image files, and relevant operating manuals.
The inspection and maintenance manual in Paragraph 1 shall include the items specified in the 
Article 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 8 to 10, and shall be amended in accordance with the actual 
conditions after the completion. No further change of permit to deal with in accordance with the 
preceding Article is required.
When the Competent Authority conducts on-site inspection, the self-user shall be notified to be 
present in person or by the representative. The on-site inspection items are as follows:
1.The impact of water intake construction on the safety and operation of the sewer system interface.
2.The restoration and cleaning of the main structure and the surrounding land and facilities of 
  the water intake construction.
3.The function of facilities and operating equipment relevant to the water intake construction.
4.Automatic water quantity monitoring equipment.
5.Conducting relevant tests and drills in accordance with the contents of the inspection and 
  maintenance manual.
6.Other matters specified by the Competent Authority.
Where the change in Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article involves Article 4, Paragraph 1, 
Subparagraphs 6 and 7, it shall be handled in accordance with this Article.

Article 10    
When the inspection results of the preceding Article are inconsistent with the contents of 
the permit, the Competent Authority shall notify the self-user to rectify such within a time 
limit; the self-user shall make rectifications within the time limit, state the rectification 
status in writing and report to the Competent Authority for re-inspection.

Article 11    
If the self-user is in Article 11, Paragraph 3, Subparagraphs 2 or 3 of this Act or when the 
actual water intake quantity is less than 80% of the permitted water intake quantity and he 
wants to retain the amount of water, the self-user shall state the reasons and period of 
retention in writing and attach relevant certificates to apply for the Use Permit water 
retention with the Competent Authority. The validity period is limited to the remaining validity 
period of the original permit.
If no retention or change is made according to the preceding Paragraph or Article 8 when the 
actual water intake quantity is less than 80% of the permitted water intake quantity, the 
Competent Authority may reduce the water intake quantity of the Use Permit after it notifies 
the self-user to improve within a specified period and no improvement is made.

Article 12    
If any of the following situations apply to the self-user, the Competent Authority may revoke 
the Use Permit after it notifies the self-user to improve within a specified period and no 
improvement is made:
1.The water intake construction is not completed in accordance with the permitted construction 
  schedule, and such change has not been handled pursuant to Article 8.
2.Conducting water intake but fails to complete inspection or re-inspection in accordance 
  with Article 9 or Article 10.
3.Have happened circumstances which are stipulated in Article 11, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 2 
  or 3 of the Act, and they are not handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding 
4.The actual water intake quantity exceeds the permitted water intake quantity and has not 
  been handled in accordance with Article 8.
When the water intake of the self-user has been determined by the Competent Authority to have 
affected the normal operation of the sewer system or damage to the public interest in the serious 
situation, the Competent Authority may revoke the Use Permit and order the self-user to restore 
the site to its original condition or take appropriate measures.

Article 13    
If the self-user wants to continue the water intake when the use permit of wastewater (sewage) 
or effluent water expires, the self-user shall reapply in accordance with the provisions of 
Article 4 within three months from six months before its expiration. If the self-user fails 
to re-apply within the time limit, the permit becomes invalid upon expiration.

Article 14    
These Regulations become effective as of the date of promulgation.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System