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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.07 09:22


Title: Directions for the Establishment of National Standards Review Committee by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ch
Date: 2019.05.07
Legislative: 1.Approved and promulgated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs on 3 October 1998.
2.Approved and promulgated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs on 12 April 1999.
3.Approved and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection on 7 May 2019.

1. These Directions are set up for the purpose of establishing National Standards Review Council

(hereinafter referred to as the Review Council) in accordance with Article 6 of the Standards Act

to conduct relevant matters of establishing national standards.


2. The Review Council is comprised of 40 to 60 members. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

of the Review Council are held concurrently by the Director General and Deputy Director

General of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs

(hereinafter referred to as the BSMI) , and others are experts from related government agencies,

groups, educational institutes, or other organizations under the invitation of the Director General

of the BSMI. The term of office is 2 years, and shall be renewed after expiration.

For members of the Review Council that participate on behalf of the government agencies or

groups they represent, new invitations may be issued when they change their positions. The term

of office for the new invitation after such change shall continue until expiration of the original



3. Members of the Review Council are nonpayment positions. However, members not belonged to

 the BSMI may be paid a fee of attendance in accordance with relevant requirements.


4. The terms of reference of the Review Council are as follows:

(1)To conduct final review of national standards proposals;

(2)To provide suggestions on the work program for the establishment of national standards;

(3)To provide suggestions on promotion of standardization activities;

(4)To provide suggestions on standards policies;

(5)To provide suggestions on the establishment or revision of standards regulations; and

(6)To provide suggestions on other relevant matters.


5. For the matter described in any subparagraph of the preceding point , the Review Council may

conduct the final review in the manner of establishing subgroups. The convener of each subgroup

shall be chairperson and shall convene final review meetings by inviting related members of the

Review Council and the chairperson or member of National Standards Technical Committees. A

co-chair of each subgroup can be designated by the chairperson from members of the Review


If the chairperson cannot be present at a meeting or leave a meeting early, he may appoint the

vice chairperson or one from members to act on his behalf.

If members of the Review Council are invited to participate on behalf of the government agencies

or groups they represent, the government agencies or groups may assign another person to attend

meetings when the members are not able to do so.


6. Decisions of the Review Council are adopted by the agreement of half of presented members.


Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System