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Title: Directions Governing the Inspection of Children’s Raincoats Ch
Date: 2015.04.13
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economics Affairs on April 13, 2015

1.These Directions are stipulated for the inspection of children's raincoats.

2.These Directions are applicable to children's raincoats which are labeled "children's raincoat"
or "suitable for height from 70cm to 150cm" but excluded water proof textile clothing, no matter
domestically manufactured in or imported to Taiwan.

3.The inspection schemes for children's raincoats are Monitoring Inspection or Registration of
Product Certification (RPC). For RPC, the procedure is a combination of type test (Module 2) and
declaration of conformity to type(Module 3).

4.Inspection standards and inspection items:
(1) 8 phthalate plasticizers (DMP, DEP, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DNOP, DINP and DIDP) contents: the inspection is
performed in accordance with CNS 15503 "General requirements for safety of children’s products."
(2) 8 heavy metals (Sb, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pd, Hg and Se) contents: the inspection is performed in
accordance with CNS 15503 "General requirements for safety of children’s products."
(3) Cords and drawstrings in hood and neck area: the inspection is performed in accordance with
Clauses3.1~3.3 of CNS 15291 "Safety of children's clothing-Cords and drawstrings on children's
(4) Labeling in Chinese: All labeled text shall be in traditional Chinese and include the
following information:
a.Name of the product.
b.Main content or materials.
c.Suitable height.
d.Date of manufacture (date, month and year).
e.Name, telephone number and address of the manufacturer (or its agent), the place of origin
of the product; for imported products, the name, telephone number and address of the importer,
its agent or distributor as well.
f.User’s instruction, caution (such as treatment after use, method of storage and washing, etc.)
or warnings (such as warning for the cord, keeping away from fire sources, etc.)
g.Commodity Inspection Mark: the Mark shall be affixed to the body of the product, user manuals
or the smallest packaging in a prominent place in accordance with Article 12 of Commodity
Inspection Act.

5. Monitoring Inspection:
(1) Commodity Inspection Mark
a.The obligatory inspection applicant, when making inspection applications to the Bureau of
Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) or its subsidiary branches (hereinafter referred to
as the inspection authority),may purchase the Roman letter “C” Mark labels printed by BSMI or
apply for permission to self-print the commodity inspection mark.
b.When making applications for self-printing the Commodity Inspection Mark, the obligatory
inspection applicant shall submit the completed “Application Form of Self-Printing Commodity
Inspection Mark” to the inspection authority and attach the Certificate of Factory Registration,
Certificate of Business Registration or other equivalent documents.
c.The Self-Printing Commodity Inspection Mark contains the Roman letter "M" and a designated code,
which is the "monitoring inspection registration number." The Roman letter and the designated code
shall be placed to the right of or below the graphic symbol of the Commodity Inspection Mark. Even
though the obligatory inspection applicants have already obtained permission of self-printing the
Commodity Inspection Mark for other monitoring-inspection products, they shall apply for addition
of children's raincoats into the product scope by following the requirements mentioned in the
preceding paragraphs.
Example:please refer to the attached file.
(2) For the inspection applications made to the inspection authority, the obligatory inspection
applicant, place of origin, manufacturing premise and C.C.C.Code in a batch of commodities shall
be the same. In the same batch of commodities, the product name, model or specification, quantity,
place of origin and date of manufacture shall be filled out in the inspection application form
item by item, and attached with a sample of the Chinese label. The application will not be accepted
by the inspection authority if the preceding requirements are not followed.
(3) When the obligatory inspection applicants have made applications for commodities of the same
place of origin, same manufacturing premises, and same C.C.C. Code and these commodities comply
with the requirements for 10 consecutive batches, they are entitled to the procedure of
random-selected batch inspection at a sampling rate of 50%. When a further 30 consecutive batches
sampled are confirmed to be in compliance with the inspection requirements and there are no
violations within 1 year, the sampling rate will be reduced to 20%. The sampling rate shall be
increased where necessary.
(4) The procedure of release after document examination shall apply to batches of commodities that
are not sampled under random-selected batch inspection. A list of such batches will be generated
by the computer for examining their Chinese labels. Samples will be taken from such batches for
inspection, where necessary.
(5) For batches of commodities that are randomly selected for inspection, a list of items to be
sampled will be generated by the computer. For each application, 1 item will be randomly sampled
out of every 3 items, with a minimum of 1 item and maximum of 5 items to be sampled. For each sampled
item, 1 product will be randomly selected for inspection against the requirements mentioned in
Clause 4 and examined for their Chinese labeling as well as the Commodity Inspection Mark. The total
number of items and samples selected for inspection may be increased, where necessary.
(6) For batches of commodities that are randomly selected for inspection, the procedure of drawing
samples may be exempted if all items listed in the inspection application form have obtained type
test reports (of the same type and issued within 12 months) from BSMI designated testing laboratories
for children’s raincoats. It only requires performing on-site checks of the Commodity Inspection
Mark and the Chinese labeling. Where only part of the items listed in the inspection application form
obtain type test reports (of the same type and issued within 12 months) from BSMI designated testing
laboratories for children’s raincoats, similar procedure shall be applicable to those items covered
by the type test reports. For those items not covered by the type test reports, samples still need to
be taken for inspection in accordance with Clause 5.(5). For products that have obtained type test
reports, the inspection authority may take samples for inspection where necessary.
(7) Commodities that have been approved for prior released by the inspection authority, the obligatory
inspection applicant, after having transported the commodities to the storage place, shall inform the
inspection authority to take samples and seal products, check the Commodity Inspection Mark and Chinese
labeling at the place of storage. The inspection authority shall perform sampling in accordance with
Article 12 of the Enforcement Rules of the Commodity Inspection Act.
(8) Inspection unit: Inspection authority or testing laboratories commissioned by BSMI.
(9) Inspection period: 7 working days after sampling.
(10) The inspection authority shall issue a notice of unsatisfactory inspection results for commodities
that do not comply with requirements. The obligatory inspection applicant may apply for re-inspection
without any charge for one time within 15 days after receiving such notice. For items that are complied
with the requirements may be released separately. Products that are not complied with the requirements
shall be processed in accordance with Regulations Governing Disposition of Commodities Failing Inspection
and Operation Procedures for Returning and Destroying Commodity, to be specified as followings:
a.Items of products that are not complied with the requirements may be returned, destroyed, rectified
under surveillance. Where non-conformity only concerns Chinese labeling, products may be released after
rectification is made within the specified time period and confirmed by the inspection authority
without application for re-application.
b.For commodities that are not complied with inspection requirements and will be returned, the obligatory
inspection applicant shall report to the inspection authority and provide export-related documents issued
by the Customs, within three months after the commodities are returned in order to close the case. The
inspection authority will close the case after crosschecking the on-line export information in the customs
c.For commodities that are not complied with inspection requirements and will be destroyed, the obligatory
inspection applicant shall make application to the inspection authority by presenting the notice of
unsatisfactory inspection results, import declaration (not applicable for domestically-manufactured
products) and the destruction plan. The inspection authority shall dispatch officers to monitor the
execution of destruction plan.
d.For commodities that are not complied with inspection requirements and will be applied for re-application
after taking rectification measures, the obligatory inspection applicant shall apply to the BSMI by filling
out the application form and presenting the notice of unsatisfactory inspection results,import declaration
(not applicable for domestically-manufactured products), and verified improvement plan, combined with
products of items not sampled. For products of non-complying items to be destroyed or returned, if those
items not sampled will be applied for re-application, the obligatory inspection applicant shall apply to
BSMI by filling out the application form and presenting the notice of unsatisfactory inspection results
as well as the import declaration (not applicable for domestically-manufactured products).Upon approval
by the BSMI, the obligatory inspection applicant shall apply to the inspection authority for
re-application by presenting the approval letter, the notice of unsatisfactory inspection results and
record of rectification/destruction under surveillance.
e.For re-application cases mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the items will be sampled at a double
rate of that specified in Clause 5.(5). Products of items that are rectified under surveillance shall
be sampled and those items whose re-application results comply with the requirements can be released
separately. Products of items whose re-application results still do not comply with the requirements
shall be returned or destroyed with those items not sampled. Re-application is only limited to one time.
f.Where the products sampled are found not in compliance with the inspection requirements, subsequent
products with the same place of origin, manufacturing premise and C.C.C. Code from the obligatory
inspection applicant shall be inspected batch by batch. The simplified sampling procedures mentioned
in Clause 5.(3)shall be applicable after 20 consecutive batches are inspected to be in compliance
with the requirements.
g.Where children's raincoats placed on the market are found to be incompliance with the requirements
during the sampling from market surveillance project or in violation of related requirements during
market checks, the inspection authority of jurisdiction over the obligatory inspection applicant shall
register the information in the computer. Subsequent products from the obligatory inspection applicant
shall be inspected batch by batch. The simplified sampling procedures mentioned in Clause 5.(3)shall
be applicable after 20 consecutive batches are inspected to be in compliance with the requirements.

6. Registration of Product Certification (RPC):
(1) Principles for type determination
a.he same type: commodities that are of the same manufacturing country, manufacturing premise, material
and basic design. Commodities only differ in color may also be classified as the same type.
b.Main type: the most complicated material or design of the same type.
c.Series of type: commodities other than the main type.
(2) Type Test
a.Place of application: the inspection authority or BSMI designated testing laboratories.
b.The applicant shall submit 3 copies of technical documents and sample of products for testing(at
least 1 piece for the main type and series of type,additional samples may be required where necessary)
to apply for type testing.
(3) Inspection items
a.All main and series of type (with different materials and design from the main type) of commodities
shall be inspected in accordance with Clause 4.
b.Series type of commodities shall be tested only on the part different from the main type, such as
the material, color or design.
(4) Technical Documents:
a.Classification of types for children's raincoats to be registered for certification (including
material, design, model/size and color).
b.Colored photos of children’s raincoats (including actual size; please provide 4" x 6" electronic
files for product in front, back and side).
c.Chinese labels.
d.Description of the products.
(5) Type test fees: the fees will be collected in accordance with the rate specified by the inspection
authority or designated testing laboratories.
(6) Application for RPC Certificate: the applicant shall apply to the inspection authority by submitting
basic documents (downloadable from the BSMI website at, filling in the information
and saved onto disks or other storage devices), conformity assessment documents (type test reports and
Declaration of Conformity to Type) and technical documents.
(7) Review period: 7 working days (excluding the time waiting for supporting document; an additional 7
working days after receipt of the samples in case sampling tests is required).
(8) Once obtained the RPC certificate, the applicant must print the Commodity Inspection Mark, the
Roman letter "R" and the designated code, which is the identification number on the RPC certificate.
