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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Regulations Governing the Inspection of Thermal Paper Commodities Ch
Date: 2017.03.24
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economics Affairs on January 1, 2013.
2.Adopted and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economics Affairs on March 24, 2013.

1. These regulations were established for the inspection of thermal paper commodities.


2. Monitoring inspections shall be conducted on the jumbo rolls and standard rolls of thermal paper

commodities imported or manufactured domestically. 


3. Any cutting or trimming factory located domestically that cuts or trims the jumbo rolls of thermal

paper commodities for which the inspection procedure has already been completed is not a modifier as

defined in Par. 2, Sec. 2, Art. 8 of the Commodity Inspection Act.


4. To apply for inspection of thermal paper commodities imported or manufactured domestically, the

obligatory inspection applicant shall itemize commodities in the application based on type number,

specification or bar code, and the batch of the commodities in the inspection application filed by the

obligatory inspection applicant shall be made from the same country of origin with the same brand and

that have the same C.C.C. Code. The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) and its

local offices (hereinafter referred to as the inspection authority) shall enter the name, type

number/specification/bar code of the thermal paper commodity into the BSMI computer system.


5. If the commodities that are inspected batch by batch are found to be compliant with the regulations

for three successive batches, the commodities in future applications that are delivered by the same

obligatory inspection applicant and made from the same country of origin with the same brand and that

have the same C.C.C. Code will be inspected by sampling the batches at 20%.  Batches not drawn for

sampling shall be released after approval through document review.


6. The batch of jumbo roll commodities drawn shall be sampled item by item, and one piece of thermal

paper, maintaining its original width and with the length of at least 10 centimeters, shall be cut from

the thermal paper commodity as the sample in accordance with Sec. of the Chinese National

Standards CNS 12732. As for the drawn batch of not more than 20 items of standard roll commodities,

one item shall be sampled at random among every 5 items. At least one item shall be sampled and four

items sampled shall be the maximum. For the inspection application listing more than 20 items to be

examined, one extra item shall be sampled at random for every 10 items in excess of 20, and ten items

sampled shall be the maximum. One sample shall be drawn at random from each item of commodities,

and the sampling ratio may be raised if necessary.


7. If the inspection authority accepting the inspection application agrees to release the thermal paper

commodities before inspection, the obligatory inspection applicant shall notify the inspection authority

to inspect, sample and seal up the commodities at the site where the commodities are stored, after

having completed transportation, storage and relevant arrangements for the commodities.


8. Inspection standards and items are stated as follows:

(1) Jumbo roll:  The bisphenol A content of the roll shall be examined in compliance with the Chinese

National Standards CNS 15447 “Thermal Paper”.

(2) Standard roll:  The bisphenol A content of the roll shall be examined in compliance with the

Chinese National Standards CNS 15447 “Thermal Paper” and its label shall be examined in

compliance with Sec. 10 of the Standards. Labeling shall also meet the requirements for the special

stationery commodities defined in the Stationery Commodity Labeling Criteria. Declared items on the

label include dimension (or net weight), gross weight, main purpose and use (for which the

instructions shall be printed additionally), primary material or ingredient, notes or emergency treatment,

date of effectiveness, warning notice and the name and telephone number of the manufacturer. If the

commodities are imported, the name and telephone number of the agent, importer or distributor, the

name and address of the original manufacturer and the country of origin shall also be provided on the


The obligatory inspection applicant shall comply with the above requirements and shall label products

in compliance with Art. 11 of the Commodity Inspection Act.


9. The inspection unit for thermal paper commodities shall be the inspection authority or the designated

inspection unit.


10. The inspection period for thermal paper commodities shall be five working days after sampling.


11. Commodities that fail to meet the requirements provided in the regulations shall result in return,

destruction or application for supervised improvement of the commodities in compliance with the

Regulations Governing Disposition of Commodities Failing Inspection. The inspection authority shall

process such items in accordance with the following rules:

(1) If the commodities sampled in a batch indicate that some sampled commodities meet the

requirements and some do not or that all sampled commodities fail to meet the requirements, the

commodities in said batch shall be divided into satisfactory items and unsatisfactory items. The

unsatisfactory items shall be returned, destroyed or made to reapply for inspection after supervised

improvement, and the satisfactory items shall be released.

(2) If the type, type number or specification, or bar code of the commodities that are not sampled is the

same as that of an unsatisfactory item that is unlikely to be improved, the commodities not sampled

shall also be returned, destroyed, disassembled or sent for any other necessary disposal. 

(3) For the application for re-inspection of unsatisfactory commodities, the sampling ratio shall be

double the number provided in Article 6. 


12. If the inspection result shows that a batch of sampled commodities is unsatisfactory, the simplified

sampling method specified in Article 5 shall not be adopted for future applications filed by the same

obligatory inspection applicant for inspection of any and all commodities made from the same country

of origin with the same brand and that have the same C.C.C. Code as that of the unsatisfactory

commodities unless these commodities are inspected batch by batch and found to be compliant with

the regulations for five successive batches.


13. If the commodities meeting the inspection requirements are found not to comply with inspection

standards through market surveillance, they shall be handled in accordance with the Commodity

Inspection Act.

The inspection authority shall trace the source of jumbo roll commodities and sample and inspect

 relevant commodities produced at the cutting or trimming factories located domestically that use the

same source of the jumbo roll commodities. The preceding Article is applicable to thermal paper

commodities imported or manufactured domestically that are sampled, inspected and found

incompliant with the inspection standards.

If thermal paper commodities produced by the cutting and trimming factories located domestically are

sampled, inspected and found incompliant with the inspection standards, the unsatisfactory

commodities shall be disposed of in compliance with the appropriate provisions of the Consumer

Protection Law.


Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System