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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Directions Governing Inspection of Wooden Board Commodities Ch
Date: 2016.09.23
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economics Affairs, on January 4, 2013.
2.Name amendment and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economics Affairs on September 23, 2016. (Originally named as Directions Governing Type-Approved Batch Inspection of Wooden Board Commodities)

Chapter I General Principles

1. These Directions are enacted to govern the inspection of wooden board commodities.


2. The scope of Directions are applicable to wooden board commodities that require inspection,


(1) Laminated veneer lumber category: laminated veneer lumber and structural laminated veneer


(2) Plywood category: plywood, special plywood, structural plywood, plywood for concrete-form,

scaffolding plywood, and plywood for pallet;

(3) Wooden floor category: composite wood flooring, strip flooring, block flooring and parquet;

(4) Glulam category: glulam for decorative use, fancy veneer overlaid glulam for decorative use,

structural glulam, and fancy veneer overlaid structural glulam posts;

(5) Medium-density fiberboard and Particleboard, with the exception of raw materials supplied for

processing or assembly into furniture.


3. The terms used herein are defined as follows:

(1) Short side: Refers to the short side of the cross-section of a glulam.

(2) Long side: Refers to the long side of the cross-section of a glulam. In the case of square cross-

section, the length shall refer to the thickness of the lamination.

(3) Large dimension: The short side of the glulam is longer than 15 cm and the cross-section area is

larger than 300 cm2.

(4) Medium dimension: The short side of the glulam is longer than 7.5 cm and the long side of the

glulam is longer than 15 cm.

(5) Small dimension: The short side of the glulam is less than 7.5 cm, or the long side of the glulam

is less than 15 cm.

(6) Same type: Refers to commodities with the same applicable Chinese National Standards (CNS),

adhesives, manufacturing factory and production country, and formaldehyde emission grade; For

commodity containing fire retardants, the commodity shall also have the same fire retardant grade.

(7) Main type:

a. Laminated veneer lumber and plywood categories: Refers to commodities of the same type with

the greatest thickness (dimension of veneer lamination) and the most number of layers (number of

veneer lamination and decorative layers). For commodities having the same thickness but different

number of layers as the main type, if the difference in number of layers conforms to the following

scopes, the commodity may be deemed as the main type.

(a) Less than four layers: 1 layer

(b) Five to twenty layers: 2 layers

(c) More than twenty one layers: 3 layers

b. Wooden floor category, medium density fiberboard and particleboard: Refers to commodities of

the same type with greatest thickness.

c. Glulam category: Refers to the large dimensions of the same type. If there are no large

dimensions, then the medium dimensions shall be the main type. If there are no medium dimensions,

then the small dimensions shall be the main type.

(8) Series type: Besides the main type, other commodities of the same type are deemed as series

type. Commodities of the same type and thickness, and a layer difference conforming to the

aforementioned scope in Sub-Paragraph i of preceding Paragraph, shall be deemed as the same

series type.

(9) Same specifications:

a. Laminated veneer lumber and plywood categories: Refers to commodities of the same type,

thickness, and number of layers. If the difference in number of layers conforms to the

aforementioned scope in Sub-Paragraph i of Paragraph g, the commodity shall be deemed as having

the same specification.

b. Wooden floors, medium density fiberboard and particleboard: Refers to commodities of the same

type and same thickness.

c. Glulam: Refers to commodities of the same type, same short side, and same long side.

(10) Special Specifications: Refers to custom-made glulam commodities with arch, cone, pyramid,

or other shapes, and different cross-sections.

(11) Cross-section: Refers to vertical plane of glue line.


4. Inspection Method

(1) Laminated veneer lumber category, plywood, special plywood, structural plywood, plywood for

pallet, wooden floor category, glulam category, medium density fiberboard, and particleboard:

Parallel implementation of type-approved batch inspection or registration of product certification

【Type Test Module (Module II) and Complete Quality Control and Management Module (Module

IV), Production Quality Management Module (Module V), or Factory Inspection Module (Module

VII) 】

(2) Plywood for concrete-form and scaffolding plywood:

a. Before December 31, 2016: monitoring inspection

b. Starting from January 1, 2017: Same as preceding Paragraph

(3) The conformity of the registration of product certification with the module of evaluation

procedures stipulated in Paragraph a shall be implemented pursuant to Article 3 of the Regulations

Governing Registration of Product Certification.


5. Inspection Standards and Items

(1) Laminated veneer lumber category shall be subject to inspection tests for formaldehyde emission

and labeling pursuant to CNS 11818 or CNS 14646.

(2) Plywood category:

a. Plywood, special plywood, structural plywood, and plywood for pallet shall be subject to

inspection tests for formaldehyde emission and labeling pursuant to CNS 1349, CNS 8058, CNS

11671, and CNS 15583 respectively.

b. Plywood for concrete-form and scaffolding plywood shall be subject to inspection labeling

pursuant to CNS 8057 (Amended and promulgated on February 24, 2000) and CNS 11670

(amended and promulgated on January 25, 1999) prior to December 31, 2016. As of January 1,

2017, the commodities shall be subject to inspection tests for formaldehyde emission and labeling

pursuant to CNS 8057 (Amended and promulgated on October 5, 2012) and CNS 11670 (amended

and promulgated on October 2, 2014).

(3) Wooden floor category shall be subject to inspection tests for formaldehyde emission and

labeling pursuant to CNS 2871, CNS 11341, or CNS 11342.

(4) Glulam category shall be subject to inspection tests for formaldehyde emission and labeling

pursuant to CNS 11029, CNS 11030, CNS 11031, or CNS 11032.

(5) Medium-density fiberboard shall be subject to inspection tests for formaldehyde emission and

labeling pursuant to CNS 9909 while particleboard shall be subject to inspection tests for

formaldehyde emission and labeling pursuant to CNS 2215. Commodities containing fire retardants

shall also be subject to a fire retardant test.


6. The labeling specifications for laminated veneer lumber category, plywood, special plywood,

structural plywood, glulam category, medium-density fiberboard and particleboard are stipulated as


(1) Prior to December 31, 2016:

a. Besides specifying the following items on the commodity, the obligatory inspection applicant

should also specify all the items required by the Inspection Standard and the items stipulated in

Article 11 of The Commodity Inspection Act on the external packaging or on the product.

(a) Commodity Inspection Mark: Drawings, “T”, or “R”, and designation code printed by the

obligatory inspection applicant

(b) Grade of formaldehyde emission (F1, F2, or F3)

(c) Name, address or trademark of the manufacturer (or importer)

(d) Production date or batch number

b. The obligatory inspection applicant should detail the production date or batch number of the

aforementioned commodity on the inspection application when applying for type-approved batch


c. For commodity products shipped in the original packaging used during production or processing

directly to the downstream industries for usage or processing instead of market display or sales, the

obligatory inspection applicant may attach an application form and apply to the Bureau of Standards,

Metrology and Inspection (herein referred to as BSMI) or its subsidiary offices (herein referred to as

inspection authorities) to print only the “production date or batch number” on the body of the

commodity product. This provision is not applicable to the labeling requirements stipulated in the

first Sub-Paragraph of current Article.

(2) As of January 1, 2017: Besides the labeling requirements in the preceding Paragraph, the name

of product and country of origin should also be printed on the product body.


7. The labeling specifications for plywood for concrete-form and scaffolding plywood are stipulated

as follows:

(1) Prior to December 31, 2016:

a. The obligatory inspection applicant should specify the items required by the Inspection Standard

and the items stipulated in Article 11 of The Commodity Inspection Act on the clearly visible areas

of the product or on the external packaging. In addition, to enable consumers to have a clear

understanding of the commodity information, the body of the commodity products should be

labeled with the following items:

(a) Name of commodity: The commodity product should be labeled on the surface or on the bottom,

sporting clear, discernible, and wear-resistant labels printed with “Plywood for concrete-form” or

“Scaffolding Plywood”.

(b) Commodity Inspection Mark: Drawings, “M” and designation code printed by the obligatory

inspection applicant, where the designation code is the registration number of the monitoring


(c) Name, address or trademark of the manufacturer (or importer)

(d) Production date or batch number

b. For commodity products shipped in the original packaging used during production or processing

directly to the downstream industries for usage or processing instead of market display or sales, the

obligatory inspection applicant may apply to the inspection authorities to exempt the printing of

“Name, address or trademark of the manufacturer (or importer)”.

(2) As of January 1, 2017: Same as Paragraph b of preceding Article.


8. The labeling specifications for plywood for pallet shall be the same Paragraph b of Article 6.


9. The labeling specifications for wooden floor category are stipulated as follows:

(1) Prior to December 31, 2016: Besides labeling the items pursuant to inspection standards (CNS

2871, 11341, and 11342) on the smallest packaging or on the body of the commodity product during

product display or sales, the obligatory inspection applicant shall label the name of the commodity

product, name and address of the obligatory inspection applicant, and the Commodity Inspection

Mark printed by the obligatory inspection applicant (comprised of drawings, “T”, or “R”, and

designation code)

(2) As of January 1, 2017: Besides the labeling requirements stipulated in preceding Paragraph, the

country of origin shall also be labeled.


Chapter II Regulations for Type Approved Batch Inspection

10. For commodity products adopting the type approved batch inspection, the obligatory inspection

applicant shall first apply for the type test and type certification to obtain the product type

certification. The obligatory inspection applicant shall apply for inspection before importing or

shipping the products and the commodity products may only be displayed or sold in the local

markets after passing the inspections.


11. The applicant of the type test shall prepare the type classification table of each wooden board

commodity, three copies of the following technical documents and the sample according to the

different main types (including series types) and apply to the BSMI, subsidiary offices of the BSMI

(Formaldehyde emission test: excluding Tainan Branch; fire retardant test: excluding Hsinchu,

Tainan and Hualien Branch), or a designated testing laboratories recognized authorized by the

BSMI for the type test:

(1) Specification list【model or code table, commodity structure (including cross-section diagram

of structure), composite materials (including surface processing materials) and type of adhesive】

(2) 4×6 inch commodity pictures in color (with a ruler showing the thickness or cross-section

dimensions of the finished glulam product)

(3) Overview of manufacturing process

(4) Specimen of Chinese label

(5) Sample:

a. Laminated veneer lumber category: At least two columns should be taken for the formaldehyde

emission test of every main type and series type. 【Each column shall provide two sample pieces

with surface areas of 450 cm2 (except for two cross-sections) from the portion no less than 5 cm

away from the end portion along the length of each column while maintaining the size of the cross-


b. Plywood category: At least two sheets should be taken for the formaldehyde emission test of

every main type and series type, cut in accordance with following specifications:

(a) Plywood for concrete-form: Each sheet should be cut as 150 mm (length) × 50 mm (width) × 10

pieces × 2 sets

(b) Other plywood, excluding plywood for concrete-form: Each sheet should be cut as rectangular

samples of 150 mm (length) × 50 mm (width) and the minimum number of pieces where the total

area of the cross-section and bottom surface exceeds 1800 cm2 × 2 sets.

c. Wooden floor category: At least two sheets should be taken for the formaldehyde emission test of

every main type and series type. 【Each sheet should be taken from the central portion, and cut as

150 mm (length) × 50 mm (width) × 10 pieces × 2 sets.】 For samples with particularly small

specifications that are unable to conform to the aforementioned cut dimensions, please contact the

testing laboratory to discuss on exception processes.

d. Medium-density fiberboard and particleboard: At least two sheets should be taken for the

formaldehyde emission test of every main type and series type.【Each sheet shall be adopted from

the portion of the sample with total surface area of approximately 1800 cm2 × 2 sets.】 For samples

containing fire retardant, an additional three samples of dimensions 100 mm × 100 mm shall be


e. Glulam category: At least two columns should be taken for the formaldehyde emission test of

every main type and series type. 【Each column shall provide two sample pieces with surface areas

of 450 cm2 (except for two cross-sections) from the portion no less than 5 cm away from the end

portion along the length of each column while maintaining the size of the cross-section.】 If the

cross-section dimension or length of the sample is larger than the test vessel, the sample should be

cut into multiple sample pieces of the same shape (adjusting as required depending on the facilities

of each testing laboratory). For special specifications that are unable to conform to the

aforementioned cut dimensions, please contact the testing laboratory to discuss on exception



12. Principles of the Type Test

(1) Laminated veneer lumber and plywood categories: The main type must be submitted for

formaldehyde emission test and labeling inspections; the series type must be submitted for the

formaldehyde emission test for the product with the smallest thickness and the least amount of

layers; if there are more than five series types, an additional sample of median thickness must be

submitted for the formaldehyde emission test.

(2) Wooden floor category: The main type must be submitted for formaldehyde emission test and

labeling inspections; the series type must be submitted for the formaldehyde emission test for the

product with the smallest thickness; if there are more than five series types, an additional sample of

median thickness must be submitted for the formaldehyde emission test.

(3) Glulam category: The main type must be submitted for formaldehyde emission test and labeling

inspections; the series type must be submitted for formaldehyde emission test for each applied

dimension type.

(4) Medium density fiberboard and particleboard: The main type must be submitted for

formaldehyde emission test and labeling inspections; the series type must be submitted for the

formaldehyde emission test for the product with the smallest thickness; if there are more than five

series types, an additional sample of median thickness must be submitted for the formaldehyde

emission test. For samples containing fire retardant, an additional fire retardant test will be

conducted in addition to the aforementioned principles.


13. Application Procedures for Type Approved

(1) After applying for type test and receiving the type test report in accordance with the two

preceding articles, the applicant shall submit the application form, type test report and technical

documents to the inspection authorities to apply for type certification, and obtain the Certificate of

the Approval of Product.

(2) Prior to the application for type certification, the CNS Mark test report may be used as an

alternative for the type test report within one year of its date of issuance. However, the CNS Mark

test report may only be used an alternative for the type test report of one main type or one series


(3) The reviewing period for the type approved is fourteen working days beginning from the date of

receipt of application by the inspection authorities. (Waiting time for additional application

information or samples not included.) In addition, sample inspections will be subject to an

additional processing period of seven days beginning from the receipt of the samples.


14. The validity period for Certificate of the Approval of Product is three years, during which if

there are any amendments to the scope of the commodity type certification, the following

regulations shall be conducted:

(1) Laminated veneer lumber category, plywood category, wooden floor category, medium density

fiberboard and particleboard:

a. For the inclusion of commodity products having a larger thickness than the main type or

commodity products of same thickness as the main type but having a larger number of layers, the

applicant shall apply to the inspection authority that issued the original inspection report for type

inspection test, and apply to the inspection authority for certificate reissuance. The included

commodity product will be amended as the main type and the main type registered in original type

certificate will be amended as the series type.

b. For the inclusion of series type commodity products (without affecting the original main type),

the applicant shall apply to the inspection authority that issued the original inspection report for type

inspection test, and apply to the inspection authority for certificate reissuance in accordance with the

following regulations:

(a) For commodity products with thickness larger than the smallest thickness of the series type in

the original certificate, the commodity product of median thickness shall be submitted for

formaldehyde emission test.

(b) For commodity products with thickness smaller than the smallest thickness of the series type or

commodity products of similar thickness as the series type but having a smaller number of layers,

the commodity product of the series type having the smallest thickness and the least number of

layers shall be submitted for formaldehyde emission test. For commodity products containing fire

retardant, an additional fire resistance test will be conducted.

(2) Glulam category:

a. For commodity products having a larger dimension than the main type, the applicant shall apply

to the inspection authority that issued the original inspection report for type inspection test, and

apply to the inspection authority for certificate reissuance. The included dimension type will be

amended as the main type and the main type registered in original type certificate will be amended

as the series type.

b. For the inclusion of series type commodity products (without affecting the original main type),

the applicant shall apply to the inspection authority that issued the original inspection report for type

inspection test and apply to the inspection authority for certificate reissuance.


15. For the inspection of type-approved wooden board commodities, the inspection authorities

should conduct the inspection in accordance with the following regulations:

(1) When applying for inspection, the obligatory inspection applicant should adopt the following as

one batch of inspection:

a. Laminated veneer lumber category, plywood category, wooden floor category, and medium

density fiberboard and particleboard: Commodity products of same specifications

b. Glulam category: Same commodity item, same commodity model; if the batch contains

commodity products of different cross-section dimensions or special specifications, a detailed list of

classifications should be attached.

(2) For glulam products with special specifications, if the main or series type of the type

certification may contain the smallest and largest dimensions, and the obtaining of samples will

damage the original shape of product leading to inability to continue commodity usage, the

obligatory inspection applicant may attach relevant documents, such as order or contract, to apply to

the inspection authority for inspection by document review.

(3) For minor glulam commodities made for special purposes and commodity type specified in the

type certification, and the obtaining of samples will damage the original shape of product leading to

inability to continue commodity usage, the obligatory inspection applicant may attach relevant

documents, such as inspection quantity, specifications, intended use, and purpose, and the credential

approved by BSMI to apply for inspection by document review.

(4) When the obligatory inspection applicant applies for the inspection of wooden board

commodities for the first time, the sample inspection is compulsory, but glulam commodities that

conform to the two preceding Paragraphs are exempt from this requirement. For qualified products,

the inspection authority may sample by a probability 5% of each batch of subsequently declared

wooden board commodities for sample inspection. Document review is conducted for batches not

sampled to simplify the inspection procedure.

(5) For disqualified wooden board commodities, the wooden board commodities of the same

obligatory applicant shall pass quantity sample batch-by-batch inspections for thrice the volume and

for five consecutive batches before returning to the simplified inspection procedure of 5% sample

inspection per batch.

(6) The quantity taken for sample inspection is based in accordance with the appropriate   inspection

standards. However, when the quantity is insufficient to conduct at least two inspections, the

principle is to obtain a sufficient quantity. If the quantity of commodities declared for inspection is

more than two containers, at least two containers shall be opened for even sampling.

(7) In accordance with the quantity provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the inspection authority

shall obtain and seal the samples, and hand the samples to the obligatory inspection applicant for

custody for re-inspection purposes.

(8) Inspection items are the same as Article 5. Commodity products containing fire retardants shall

undergo an additional fire retardant test, in which the test location shall be the same as for fire-

retardant building materials.

(9) The inspection period for batch-by-batch inspection shall be seven working days after the

obtaining of samples.

(10) Inspection departments:

a. Formaldehyde emission: BSMI, and its subsidiary offices (excluding Tainan Branch )

b. Fire retardant: Keelung Branch, Taichung Branch, or Kaohsiung Branch, of the  BSMI


16. If the inspection authority receives accusation reports or has doubts regarding the consistency of

the inspection standards with respect to the commodity of an inspection application, the inspection

authority may also conduct sampling tests for formaldehyde emission, verify the labeling, or

perform the fire retardant test.


17. New inspection applications must be submitted within six months of the issuing of

Unsatisfactory Inspection Notice and the completion of improvements.


18. For commodity products that obtained the type approved, the inspection authority may designate

inspection officers to the obligatory party of the type certificate or manufacturing factory to conduct

sample inspections, or assign inspection officers to conduct inspections during the manufacturing



Chapter III Regulations for Registration of Product Certification

19. For products that are registered for certification, the obligatory inspection applicant should

obtain the product registration certificate before the import or shipping of the commodity, and

ensure conformity with inspection regulations before the commodity may be placed for market

display or sales.


20. Application Procedures for Registration of Product Certification

(1) The applicant shall apply for type test in accordance with Article 11. After obtaining the type

test report, the applicant shall apply to the inspection authorities in accordance with the application

procedures for Registration of Product Certification and obtain the Product Registration Certificate.

(2) Prior to the application for Registration of Product Certification, the CNS Mark test report may

be used as an alternative for the type test report within one year of its date of issuance. However, the

CNS Mark test report may only be used an alternative for the type test report of one main type or

one series type.

(3) The reviewing period for the registration of product certification is fourteen working days

beginning from the date of receipt of application by the inspection authorities. (Waiting time for

additional application information or samples not included.) In addition, sample inspections will be

subject to an additional processing period of seven days beginning from the receipt of the samples.


21. The validity period for product registration certificate is three years, during which if there are

any amendments to the scope of product registration certificate, it shall be conducted in accordance

with Paragraph a or Paragraph b of Article 14.


Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System