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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.04 13:24


Title: Directions Governing the Inspection of Plastic Box and Fix Plate for Low Voltage A.C. Power Meter Ch
Date: 2016.08.05
Legislative: 1.Adopted and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 4 April, 2011.
2.Amended and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 30 October, 2012.
3.Amended and promulgated by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs on 5 August, 2016.

Chapter I   General

1. These Directions are stipulated for the purpose of inspection of plastic box and fix plate for low

voltage A.C. power meter.


2. The terms used by these Directions are defined as follows:

(1) Type: in accordance with the type specified in section 3 of CNS 11908「Plastic box and fix

plate for low voltage A.C. power meter」, totally 7 types .

(2) “Product number” refers to the specific code of products that have different types, size, materials

or factory.

(3) “Same type” refers to plastic box and fix plate for low voltage A.C. power meter produced by

the same factory and country.

(4) “Main type” refers to one product number of the products selected as the main type among

products from the same type at will.

(5)“Series of type” refers to other product numbers of products among products from the same type.


3. The inspection of plastic box and fix plate for low voltage A.C. power meter commodities adopts

a type-approved batch inspection or registration of product certification【Type-Test Module

(Module II) and Full Quality Management System Module (Module IV) or Production Quality

Management Module (Module V) or Factory Inspection Module (Module VII)】.


4. Inspection standard and inspection items:

(1) Major inspection items include flame resistance, electrical resistivity, impact strength, deflection

temperature under load, and labeling, in accordance with CNS 11908「Plastic box and fix plate for

low voltage A.C. power meter」.

(2) Monitoring inspection items include tensile strength, flexural strength, and thermal conductivity,

in accordance with CNS 11908「Plastic box and fix plate for low voltage A.C. power meter」. If

the product is a fix plate, mounting hole-loading test will be added.

(3)  All inspection items are the major inspection and monitoring inspection items.


Chapter II Type-Approved  Batch Inspection

5. For commodities subject to the type-approved batch inspection, the obligatory inspection

applicant shall firstly apply for type-test and type approval to obtain a type-approved certificate;

then, shall file a inspection application before commodities is domestically produced and imported,

and shall still comply with the inspection requirements before being marketed.


6. The relevant regulations for type-test:

(1) The applicant shall submit three copies of the following technical documents and samples

according to different main types (including the series of type) to the Tainai branch of the Bureau of

Standards, Metrology and Inspection or the designated testing laboratories recognized by the Bureau

of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the BSMI).

a. Specification cross-reference table [product number, product name, size, material composition].

b.The material test report of the product issued by domestic or overseas academic or test institutions

in addition to that issued by the production factory.

c. 4 x 6 inch or larger color photographs of the product or the original color catalog.

d. Outline of manufacturing process.

e. Specimen of Chinese label.

f. Samples: 4 plastic boxes and 10 fix plates.

(2) Test items: All inspection item shall be conducted on each main and series type product.


7. Application procedures for type approval:

(1) An applicant shall apply for a type-test report in accordance with the aforementioned Article 6,

and submit the application form, a copy of the registration document of the company, business,

factory or other equivalent establishment registration documents, type-test report and technical

documents to the BSMI or its branches(hereinafter referred to as the Inspection authority) for the

application for type approval  in order to obtain a type-approved certificate.

(2) A CNS Mark test report, with the issue date within one year before the application of type

approval can replace with the type-test report. However, a CNS Mark test report can only replace

the type test report of one main type or one series type.

(3) Term for type-approval inspection is 14 working days after the inspection authority has granted

the application of type approval (excluding the waiting time for re-submitted documents or samples).

For those containing random testing samples, the term is 7 working days after the arrival of the


(4) The terms of validity for the type-approved certificate shall be three years.


8. Type-approved batch  inspection procedure is as follows:

(1) For plastic box and fix plate for low voltage A.C. power meter that have been granted type

approval certificate, the obligatory inspection applicant shall ensure all plastic box and fix plate for

low voltage A.C. power meter with same type are in the same inspection application. If the products,

type, product number and size have been all certified in type-approved certificate, the Inspection

authority may conduct a random-sampling batch inspection with one-thired probability. In terms of

sampling inspection of different product types, the Inspection authority shall, at least, select one of

the product types to conduct inspections. Those not selected shall be assessed to document


(2) The number of samples for sampling inspection is four plastic boxes and ten fix plates.

(3) The Inspection authority may seal the number of samples set out in terms of the above Clauses,

deliver it to the obligatory inspection applicant for safe-keeping for re-inspection in future.

(4) Sampling Inspection items:Major inspection items, a selection of any monitoring inspection

items, and inspect the commodity name , the name and address of the obligatory inspection

applicant and inspection mark pursuant to Article 11 and Article 12 of the Commodity Inspection


(5) Sampling  inspection agency:the Tainai branch of the BSMI.

(6) The term for inspection is 7 days after sampling.

(7) One-third probability sampling inspection of each batch is not permitted if commodities failed

the inspection. It shall be allowed only after the products of the same obligatory applicant comply

with the regulation of sampling in three consecutive batches.

(8) The Inspection authority shall conduct sampling and inspect main inspection items upon

receiving reports or when there is doubt regarding the consistence of the products under application

for inspection.


9. For the commodity that have been granted type approval certificate, the Inspection authority may

send its representative to the certificate-holder or production premises to execute sampling

inspection; or may send its representative to production premises to execute the check

manufacturing stages of commodities.


Chapter III   The regulation for the registration of certification

10. For commodities subject to the registration of certification, the obligatory inspection applicant

shall obtain a registration certificate before commodities is domestically produced and imported,

and shall still comply with the inspection requirements before being marketed.


11. The regulations for the registration of  certification:

(1) An applicant shall apply for type approval in accordance with the aforementioned Article 6 and

obtain a type-test report; then, apply and obtain for registration certificate in accordance with

“Application Procedures for Registration of Product Certification”  from the Inspection authority.

(2) A CNS Mark test report, with the issue date within one year before the application of the

registration of  certification can replace with the type-test report. However, a CNS Mark test report

can only replace the type test report of one main type or one series type.

(3) The review duration for the registration of  certification is 14 working days after the Inspection

authority has granted the application (excluding the waiting time for re-submitted documents or

samples). For those containing random testing samples, the term is 7 working days after the arrival

of the samples.


12. The terms of validity for the registration certificate shall be three years.


Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System