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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Processing Fee Criteria Governing Application for Oil Business Ch
Date: 2001.12.31
Legislative: 1. Stipulated and Promulgated by MOEA on January 30, 1999 MOEA Chin (88) Neng
Tzu Ti No. 88460234
2. Revised and Promulgated by MOEA on Jun 4, 2001 MOEA Chin (90) Neng Tzu Ti
No. 09004612790
3. Abolished on December 26 , 2001
4. Promulgated by MOEA on December 31, 2001 MOEA Chin (90) Neng Tzu Ti No.
5. Promulgated by MOEA on June 18, 2008 MOEA Chin (97) Neng Tzu Ti No.
Content: Article 1
The Criteria are stipulated under the provisions of Article
58, Petroleum Administration Law.

Article 2
Fees for processing the applications set in the Criteria include
fees for reviewing, granting the permissions, and issuing the
The proceeding fees for processing the application shall be
collected based on NT dollars amount.

Article 3
A corporation intending to apply for operating oil refinery
business shall pay an amount of $500,000 for review, grant
of the permission, and $2,000 for the certificate per case. 
After being granted the operating permit, the oil refinery
operator shall pay an amount of $100,000 for review, grant
of the permission, and $2,000 for the certificate per case
when applying for extending or rebuilding distillation,
refinement and blending facilities, and changing the
operating permit.

Article 4
A corporation intending to apply for operating oil import
business shall pay an amount of $150,000 for review,
grant of the permission, and $2,000 for the certificate per

Article 5
A corporation intending to apply for the production, import,
blending, sales of alcohol gasoline, bio-diesel, or renewable
oil product shall pay an amount of $50,000 for review, grant
of the permission per case.

Article 6
A petrochemical feedstock manufacturer shall pay an amount
of $50,000 for review and grant of permission per case when
applying for private-use imported petroleum products initially.

Article 7
A corporation intending to apply for oil export business or
the wholesale operations for gasoline or diesel oil shall pay
an amount of $10,000 for review, grant of the permission,
and $2,000 for the certificate per case.

Article 8
A corporation applying for two of the operation of oil refinery,
import or export business or above simultaneously shall pay
the maximum fee subject to the criteria; a corporation applying
for both oil export business and the wholesale operation for
gasoline simultaneously, diesel oil shall pay either of the fees
subject to the criteria.

Article 9
A corporation applying for the establishment of gasoline or
LPG station or fuel station for fishing boat shall pay an amount
of $30,000 for review, grant of the permission, and $2,000 for
the certificate per case. 
A corporation applying for the installation of fuel or LPG
refilling and storage facilities in air terminals, commercial
ports, or industrial ports shall pay an amount of $30,000 for
review, grant of the permission per case.

Article 10
A corporation applying for the installation of oil storage
facilities shall pay an amount of $30,000 for review, grant
of the permission per case. 
A corporation applying for the case of private-use fuel or
LPG refilling and storage facilities shall pay an amount of
$20,000 for review, grant of the permission per case. 
A corporation applying for the designated institution
sanctioned to conduct inspections of oil storage facilities
shall pay an amount of $20,000 for review, grant of the
permission per case.

Article 11
A corporation applying for changing the registration on the
operating permit shall pay an amount of $2,000 for review,
grant of the permission, and for the certificate respectively
per case, other than the provisions specified in Paragraph 2
of Article 3. 
A corporation applying for changing the responsible person
registered on the operating permit of gasoline or LPG station
or fuel station for fishing boat shall pay double amounts for
review, grant of the permission, in case of two applications
above attributed to a same operating entity. 
A corporation applying for changing or reissuing operating
permit shall pay an amount of $2,000 for certificate per case,
unless the provisions specified in the Criteria.

Article 12
A corporation applying for changing the operation entity,
responsible person or station title during the installation of
gasoline or LPG station or fuel station for fishing boat shall
pay an amount of $2,000 review and grant of permission
respectively per case.
A corporation applying for changing the layout configuration,
operating facilities or affiliated business items during the
installation or operation of gasoline, LPG station or fuel station
for fishing boat shall pay an amount of $2,000 for review and
grant of permission respectively per case.

Article 13
Fees for review and grant of permission shall be paid, with
regards to the applications from Article 3 to proceeding article,
along with the submittal by the applicant; and fees for license /
certificate shall be paid at the time when the permit is issued. 
The payment of fees for review of the application case, in
accordance with the proceeding paragraph, shall be returned
if the competent authority should reject such application on
account of offensive application procedures or overdue,
uncompleted certificates.

Article 14
A business in any of the following situations shall be exempted
from fees for the certificate:
1.Application for reissuing certificate for registered corporation
address changed by the modification of administrative division
or revision of address.
2.The mandatory change of the certificate specified by the
competent authority.

Article 15
The Criteria shall come into force upon the promulgation.
Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System