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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.03 15:45


Title: Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act Ch
Date: 2002.06.12
Legislative: 1. Promulgated on Aug. 11, 1995 by the Presidential Order;Enforcement Rules of the Integrated Layout Protection Act Announced on Feb. 14, 1996 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Order
2. Articles 14, 27 and 41 amended and promulgated by Presidential order on June 12, 2002

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

This Act is enacted to protect integrated circuit layouts, balance societal and public interests, and

promote the development of national science, technology and economy.


Article 2

Terms used in this Act are defined as follows:

1.Integrated Circuit:

A finished or intermediate product having electronic circuitry functions and with transistors,

capacitors, resistors, or other electronic components and their interconnections integrated onto or

within a semiconducting material.

2.Circuit Layout:

A two-dimensional or three-dimensional design of electronic components and interconnecting leads

on an integrated circuit.


To purchase, sell, license, assign, or display for the purpose of purchasing, selling, licensing or


4.Commercial Exploitation:

Public distribution of a circuit layout or an integrated circuit containing the said circuit layout for

commercial purposes.


To duplicate production of a circuit layout or an integrated circuit containing the circuit layout

through optical, electronic or other means.

6.Reverse Engineering:

To design a functionally compatible circuit layout for an integrated circuit based on an original

electronic circuit diagram or functions diagram of an integrated circuit obtained through evaluation

and analysis.


Article 3

The government competent authority of affairs prescribed under this Act is the Ministry of

Economic Affairs.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs shall designate a special agency to administer affairs as stated in

the preceding Paragraph. When necessary, such affairs maybe delegated to other organizations or

legal entities organized for public welfare purposes to administer part of the administrative duties.


Article 4

Any staff of the government competent authority of circuit layout affairs or legal entities organized

for public welfare purposes or organizations referred to in Paragraph Two of the preceding Article

shall not disclose to others any confidential information obtained through the performance of

occupational or official duties.


Article 5

Under any of the following, a foreign owner of a circuit layout shall be eligible for registration of a

circuit layout in accordance with this Act:

1.The foreign owner's home country and the ROC are signatories to an international treaty, or have

signed a reciprocal treaty or agreement affording protection to circuit layouts; or an agreement,

approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, to protect circuit layouts has been executed

between organizations or institutions of the foreign country and the ROC; or the foreign country

has been verified as providing protection to circuit layouts of ROC nationals; or

2.The first commercial exploitation occurred within the jurisdiction of the ROC. Protection will be

  extended to the foreign owner only if the foreign owner's home country has been verified as

providing protection to ROC nationals under the same conditions.


Chapter II Application for Registration

Article 6

Unless otherwise specified under this Act, the creator of a circuit layout or the creator's successor or

assignee may apply for registration for the circuit layout.

With reference to the preceding Paragraph, if there is a plurality of creators, successors or assignees,

they shall jointly apply for registration. However, if there is a contract stating otherwise, such

contract shall govern.


Article 7

If a circuit layout is created by an employee within the scope of employment, the employer shall

have the right to apply for registration; however, if there is a contract to the contrary, such contract

shall govern.

The provision set forth in the preceding Paragraph shall apply to one who provides funding and

contracts another to create a circuit layout.

The employee or contracted party as set forth in the preceding two Paragraphs shall be entitled to

the right of attribution based on the facts of the creation.


Article 8

An applicant may appoint an agent who resides within the territory of the ROC to apply for circuit

layout registrations and handle other related matters.

Where an owner of a circuit layout has no residence or business office within the territory of the

ROC, the owner shall appoint an agent who resides within the territory of the ROC to apply for

circuit layout registrations and handle other related matters.


Article 9

Where two or more parties jointly apply for, or are joint owners to, circuit layout rights, and unless

one party is agreed upon as the representative, all such parties shall jointly sign when prosecuting all

related proceedings; are presentative shall be designated to receive service of process. If are

presentative to receive service of process is not designated, the agency in charge of circuit layout

affairs shall not only designate the applicant first identified in the application as the representative to

receive service, but also notify the remaining parties of matters contained in the served documents.


Article 10

To apply for a circuit layout registration, a written application accompanied by the specification and

drawing(s) or photo(s) of the circuit layout shall be filed with the competent authority of circuit

layout affairs. If a circuit layout has been commercially exploited and embodied in an integrated

circuit product at the time of application, such product shall also be submitted.

If the drawings, photos or integrated circuit products contain confidential information on the

manufacturing process of an integrated circuit, the applicant may state the reasons in writing to the

competent authority to apply for a submission of substitute documents.

If an application is filed by an assignee or heir, the name of the creator shall be indicated in the

application accompanied by documentary evidence.


Article 11

The application required in the preceding Article shall describe the following:

1.Name, nationality and domicile or residence of the applicant; in the case of a legal entity, its name,

office address and the name of its representative;

2.Name, nationality and domicile or residence of the creator; in the case of a legal entity, its name,

office address and the name of its representative;

3.Title and date of creation; and

4.Day, month and year of the first commercial exploitation if commercial exploitation occurred

prior to the filing date.


Article 12

The filing date of a circuit layout registration shall be the date on which the registration fee is paid

and all the documents prescribed in Article 10 of this Act have been submitted.


Article 13

No application for registration of a circuit layout shall be accepted two(2)years after the date of the

first commercial exploitation.


Article 14

When an applicant filing an application for circuit layout registration or for any other matters in

connection with circuit layout fails to comply with the prescribed formalities, the competent

authority of circuit layout affairs shall notify the applicant to make corrections within a specific time

frame. If the applicant fails to make corrections within the given time frame, the application shall be

dismissed, unless such failure has been corrected before an administrative decision is rendered by

the said authority.

If an applicant fails to submit or correct within a statutory period due to natural calamities or any

other causes not attributable to the applicant, the applicant may, within thirty (30) days after such

cause ceases, apply in writing with cause to the competent authority of circuit layout affairs in

writing to state the reason(s) for the application of a reinstatement of the original condition. The

condition for reinstatement will not apply if one (1) year has elapsed from the expiration of the

original statutory period.

While applying for a reinstatement of the original condition, the applicant shall concurrently

supplement the act(s) that was required in default.


Chapter III Rights in Circuit Layouts

Article 15

Protection shall not be asserted under this Act for a circuit layout not already registered.

A certificate shall be issued upon registration of a circuit layout.


Article 16

A circuit layout protected under this Act shall meet the following requirements:

1.The design is the result of the creator's intellect and efforts, and not plagiarism; and

2.At the time of creation, the circuit layout was not ordinary, common or known to the integrated

circuit industry and designers of circuit layouts.

If a circuit layout is designed by combining ordinary, common or known components or

interconnections, protection for the circuit layout shall be extended to the combination as a whole

that has met the requirements prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.


Article 17

An owner of circuit layout rights shall have the exclusive rights to preclude others from committing

the following unauthorized acts:

1.To reproduce the circuit layout in whole or in part; or

2.To import or distribute for commercial purpose the circuit layout or an integrated circuit

  containing the circuit layout.


Article 18

Circuit layout rights shall not apply to any of the following:

1.To reproduce a circuit layout of another so as to evaluate or analyze the same for research,

educational or reverse engineering purposes;

2.To create a circuit layout conforming to the requirements of Article 16 of this Act, or to produce

an integrated circuit embodying said circuit layout by using the results of evaluation or analysis

as referred to in the preceding Item;

3.To import or distribute legally possessed circuit layouts or integrated circuits by an owner of

legally reproduced circuit layouts or integrated circuits;

4.To import or distribute illegally produced integrated circuits by an owner who obtained without

knowledge that the integrated circuits have infringed another's circuit layout rights; or

5.To independently create, by a third party, an identical circuit layout or integrated circuit.


Article 19

The duration of a circuit layout shall be ten (10) years commencing from the earlier of the


1.Filing date of the circuit layout registration application; or

2.Date of the first commercial exploitation.


Article 20

If the name or title of a registered owner of circuit layout rights is changed, an application for a

change of records shall be made.


Article 21

For circuit layout rights jointly owned by two or more parties, any assignment grant of license or

creation of pledge of the circuit layout rights shall have the unanimous consent of all joint owners.

Without the consent of all joint owners of circuit layout rights, no single joint owner shall assign,

license or create a pledge in the joint owner's share of the ownership; no joint owner shall refuse

consent without proper reasons.

If a joint owner of circuit layout rights abandons the owner's share, the abandoned share shall be

allocated to the other joint owners according to the percentage of their respective shares in the joint


The preceding Paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a case where joint owner dies without an

heir or dissolves without a successor.


Article 22

For any of the following events related to circuit layout rights, parties concerned shall jointly sign

and apply for recordation, accompanied by contracts or other documentary evidence, with the

competent authority of circuit layout affairs; otherwise, these parties shall have no locus standi

against third parties who have no notice of the following:


2.License; or

3.Creation, transfer, alteration or extinguishment of a pledge.

For an inheritance of circuit layout rights, an application, accompanied by documentary evidence,

shall be filed with the competent authority of circuit layout affairs for an issuance of a replacement

certificate of registration.


Article 23

For a creation of a pledge in circuit layout rights, the creditor shall not make use of the circuit layout

unless otherwise provided by a contract.


Article 24

For a use to promote nonprofit public interests in a circuit layout, the agency in charge of circuit

layout affairs may, upon application, grant to an applicant a compulsory license to the circuit layout

rights. The compulsory license shall be granted primarily to supply the demand of the domestic


If an owner of the circuit layout rights is found to have engaged in unfair competition, which has

been irrevocably confirmed by the court or the Fair Trade Commission of the Executive Yuan, the

competent authority of circuit layout affairs may, upon application, grant an applicant a compulsory

license to the circuit layout rights, notwithstanding the absence of the condition set forth in

the preceding Paragraph.

Upon receipt of an application for a compulsory license, the competent authority of circuit layout

affairs shall send a copy of the application to the owner(s) of the circuit layout rights and require the

owner(s) to submit a defense statement within three (3) months. If no defense statement is filed after

the expiration of said time period, the competent authority may continue with the process.

A grant of a compulsory license right shall not preclude others from obtaining another compulsory

license for the same circuit layout rights.

The licensee(s) of a compulsory license right shall pay the owner(s) of the circuit layout rights

appropriate compensation. If there is a dispute, the amount of compensation shall be set by the

competent authority of circuit layout affairs.

A compulsory license right shall not be assigned, licensed, or the subject of a creation of a pledge

unless the compulsory license is transferred together with the related business.

Upon the termination of the reason(s) for compulsory license as set forth in Paragraphs One and

Two of this Article, the competent authority of circuit layout affairs may, upon application,

terminate the compulsory license.

If a licensee of a compulsory license right acts contrary to the purpose of the compulsory license,

the competent authority of circuit layout affairs may, upon application by the owner of the circuit

layout rights or by virtue of the official authority, revoke the compulsory license.


Article 25

Unless otherwise prescribed in this Act, the rights in a circuit layout shall extinguish under any one

of the following:

1.If the term of the circuit layout right expires, the right shall extinguish from the day after the

expiration date;

2.If an owner of the circuit layout rights dies without an heir, the circuit layout rights shall

extinguish on the date when the rights are vested with the laws;

3.If a legal entity dissolves, the circuit layout rights are vested with the local governing body in

accordance with the laws; or

4.If the rights in a circuit layout are abandoned by the owner, the rights shall extinguish from the

date on the written declaration.


Article 26

An owner of circuit layout rights shall not abandon the circuit layout rights without obtaining the

consent of the owner's licensee(s) or creditor(s) of the pledge.

Circuit layout rights shall not be abandoned in part.


Article 27

Under any of following circumstances, the competent authority of circuit layout affairs shall, ex

officio or upon application by an interested party, revoke the registration of a circuit layout, and

recall the registration certificate within a designated period after the revocation has become

irrevocable; if the certificate cannot be recalled, it shall be announced as void through public notice.

1.A final judgment has been rendered, holding that circuit layout right shall not be accorded;

2.Registration of a circuit layout is in violation of Articles 5 to 7, 10, 13, 38 or 39;or

3.Circuit layout rights are in violation of Article 16 of this Act.

Under the circumstances as set forth in the preceding Paragraph, the competent authority of circuit

layout affairs shall serve the right owner or its agent with a copy of the application or a copy of the

ex officio examination statement and require that a defense statement be submitted within thirty (30)

days; if the defense statement fails to be submitted within the given time period, the competent

authority of circuit layout affairs shall proceed with the examination.

With respect to the time period referred to in the preceding Paragraph, the right owner may apply

for an extension by filing a written statement providing the reasons for such the extension in

advance. However, extension shall only be permitted once.


Article 28

Applications for circuit layout registrations that conform to provisions of this Act shall be entered

into the official Register of Rights in Circuit Layouts and published in an official gazette by the

competent authority of circuit layout affairs.

The preceding Paragraph shall apply to revocations, extinguishments or abandonments of circuit

layout rights.


Chapter IV Remedies for Infringement

Article 29

In a case of an infringement of circuit layout rights, the owner of the circuit layout rights may

request compensation for damages and request for a removal of the infringement; if a threat of

infringement can be proved, a prevention of infringement may be requested.

An exclusive licensee of circuit layout rights may also make a request as in the preceding Paragraph.

However, this is limited to where the owner of the integrated circuit rights, after having been

notified, does not make a request as in the preceding Paragraph and there is no contrary provision in

the contract.

Provisions of the proceeding two Paragraphs shall apply to a third party who knew or should have

known from sufficient provable facts that the products, which were imported or distributed for

commercial purpose, contained integrated circuits produced from illegally reproduced circuit

layouts. However, this does not apply if the infringer has separated the integrated circuit from the


When taking actions pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, an owner or exclusive licensee of circuit

layout rights shall submit an infringement assessment report.

Where two or more infringers jointly infringe circuit layout rights, they shall be jointly liable to

compensate for damages.


Article 30

To calculate the amount of damages claimed under the preceding Article, one of the following may

be chosen:

1.In accordance with Article 216 of the Chinese Taipei Civil Code. If the injured party is unable to

provide evidence to prove damages, the inference between the profits normally expected through

exploiting the infringed circuit layout and the profits actually earned after the infringement may

be claimed as damages;

2.An amount equal to the profits earned by the infringer from the infringement. If the infringer is

unable to present proof of production costs and necessary expenses, the infringer's profits shall be

the entire proceeds from the sale of infringing circuit layouts or integrated circuits containing said

circuit layouts; or

3.Request the court, as according to the facts of the infringement(s), for an amount not more than

five million New Taiwan dollars (NT$ 5,000,000).


Article 31

If an owner as referred to under Item 4, Article 18 f this Act continues to import or distribute for

commercial purposes after having received from the owner of the integrated circuit layout rights a

written notice stating the facts of infringement and accompanied by an infringement assessment

report of integrated circuits originally procured without notice of infringements, the owner of the

integrated circuit layout rights may claim damages based on the usual royalties charged to use the

infringed circuit layout.


Article 32

An injured party as set forth in Paragraph 1, Article 29 of this Ac may request for the destruction of

integrated circuits containing the infringing circuit layouts, and the publication of the contents of the

court judgment, in whole or in part, in a newspaper with costs to be borne by the losing party.


Article 33

A foreign legal entity or organization, whether or not recognized by Chinese Taipei government,

may institute civil actions regarding matters regulated by Act.


Article 34

The court may establish a special tribunal or designate judge(s) to handle litigations involving

circuit layout rights.


Chapter V Supplemental Provisions

Article 35

This Act shall not affect the rights and interests of circuit layout owners or third parties obtained

legally through other laws.


Article 36

The competent authority of circuit layout affairs may establish an Assessment and Mediation

Committee to handle assessment, dispute resolution and compulsory licensing matters related to

circuit layout rights.

Regulations governing the establishment of the Committee shall be prescribed separately by the

competent authority.

Regulations governing the establishment of the Committee shall be prescribed separately by the

competent authority.


Article 37

The competent authority of circuit layout affairs shall permanently retain the Register of Rights in

Circuit Layouts and the files, all of which may be stored on microfilm, magnetic discs, magnetic

tapes, or laser discs.


Article 38

The competent authority shall prescribe the fees for various applications as set forth under this Act.


Article 39

If the first commercial exploitation of a circuit layout occurred within two years prior to the date on

which this Act comes into force, the registration of such circuit layout may be applied for within six

months from the date on which this Act comes into force.


Article 40

Enforcement rules of this Acts shall be prescribed by the competent authority.


Article 41

This Act shall come into force six6months after promulgation.

The amendments made to this Act shall take effect from the date of promulgation.

Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System