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Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Reclaimed Water Resources Development Act Ch
Date: 2015.12.30
Legislative: 1.26 clauses amended and published on December 30, 2015 and promulgated on December 30, 2015
Article 1
This Act is enacted for the purposes of facilitating the sustained use of water 
resources and promoting the development, supply, use and management of reclaimed 

Article 2
The competent authorities referred to in this Act are: the Ministry of Economic 
Affairs at the central level; the municipal governments at the municipal level; 
the county (city) governments at the county (city) level.

Article 3
The terms used in this Act are defined as follows:
1.Reclaimed water: it refers to water that can be reused through wastewater (sewage) 
or effluent treatment. Subject to the resources of the water deal with, it can be 
divided into systemic reclaimed water and non-systemic reclaimed water. 
2.Systemic reclaimed water: it refers to water that can be reused through treatment 
of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water collected from the sewer systems. 
3.Non-systemic reclaimed water: it refers to water that can be reused through 
treatment of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water not collected from the sewer systems.
4.Reclaimed Water Operator: it refers to the person permitted under this Act to initiate 
the systemic reclaimed water development project (hereunder “Reclaimed Water Development 
Project”) and provide systemic reclaimed water to others.
5.Regional Water Resources Master Plan: it refers to the regional water resources 
development and management plan that has been reported by the central competent authority 
to the Executive Yuan for review and approval.

Article 4
If the initiated or modified development is located in a region within the Regional 
Water Resources Master Plan with the likelihood of undersupply of water resources 
(hereunder “region with the likelihood of undersupply of water resources”), the 
developer proposing the water consumption plan shall use a certain percentage of systemic 
reclaimed water pursuant to the water consumption plan approved by the central competent 
A developer of an approved water consumption plan whose initiated or modified development 
is located in a region with the likelihood of undersupply of water resources and whose 
actual water consumption each year deviates from the water consumption plan to a certain 
percentage or a certain size according to the audit shall submit a variance analysis report 
to the central competent authority for its review. The developer shall then adjust the water 
consumption plan according to the review result and use a certain percentage of systemic 
reclaimed water.
If there is no wastewater (sewage) or effluent water collected from the sewer systems 
available for a developer who should use a certain percentage of systemic reclaimed water 
pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two Paragraphs, non-systemic reclaimed water or 
other alternatives shall be used according to the approved water consumption plan or the 
review result of the variance analysis report.
The scope of application, percentage, size, alternatives and other binding matters 
with respect to the developer’s use of reclaimed water as specified in the preceding 
three Paragraphs shall be determined by the central competent authority in consultation 
with the central authority governing such industry.

Article 5
To enhance developments of systemic reclaimed water, the competent authorities of 
the municipality or county (city) may provide, free of charge, the sewage of public 
sewer system or effluent water under their governance to Reclaimed Water Operators 
and the users approved under Paragraph 1 of Article 11 during a specific period of 
time. However, the authorities may charge necessary fees for additional constructions, 
operations, or other purposes for the provision of such water resources. The fees shall 
be calculated according to the Fee Charging Standards.
The competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) governing those regions 
with the likelihood of undersupply of water resources shall positively initiate the 
Reclaimed Water Development Projects or provide sewage or effluent water as described 
in the preceding paragraph, and may report to the central authority governing sewer 
system to approve, with priority, the construction of public sewer system in such 
The central competent authority shall determine the specific period and Fee Charging 
Standards as set forth in Paragraph 1.

Article 6
For the competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) initiating the 
Reclaimed Water Development Projects according to Paragraph 2 of the preceding article 
or submitting the Reclaimed Water Development Projects whose reclaimed water is 
approved by the central competent authority to be included as the water resources in 
such regions, the central competent authority or the central authority governing such 
industry may subsidize part of the construction costs.
The scope, percentage, sources of budget and review procedures of the subsidy as well 
as the other relevant regulations shall be determined by the central competent authority 
in consultation with the central authority governing such industry.

Article 7
The reclaimed water shall not be directly used as drinking water or be used by the 
food industry and pharmaceutical industry.
The quality standards for reclaimed water, use restrictions and other matters to be 
followed shall be determined by the central competent authority. If the central 
authority governing the industry using the water for a specific purpose has stipulated 
the water quality standards, the reclaimed water used for such purpose shall comply 
with the standards.

Article 8
For the Reclaimed Water Development Projects whose water is collected from wastewater 
(sewage) or effluent water of the public sewer system, the competent authorities of 
the municipality or county (city) that manage the public sewer system are responsible 
for handling the following matters. If the public sewer system is crossing two or more 
municipalities, counties or cities, the competent authority of the municipality, county 
and city designated by the central competent authority is responsible for handling 
the matters:
1.The inspection and review, approval, repeal and modification regarding the Reclaimed 
Water Development Project and use of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water.
2.The supervision and inspection of the construction and operation of the Reclaimed 
Water Development Project.
3.The ratification of water prices proposed by the Reclaimed Water Operators.
For an industrial park, export processing zone, science-based industrial park, 
agricultural technology park, industrial zone or another specific area established 
by the central competent authority governing the industry (hereinafter “Specific Area”) 
that uses reclaimed water of the Reclaimed Water Development Project handled by the 
competent authorities of the municipality or county (city), the competent authority 
governing the Specific Area is responsible for handling the following matters:
1.Integration and distribution the water demand in the area and coordination of other 
relevant matters.
2.Review and approval of the relevant facilities allocation in the area.
For the Reclaimed Water Development Projects whose water is collected from wastewater 
(sewage) or effluent water of the sewer system exclusively used in the Specific Area, 
the competent authority governing the Specific Area is responsible for handling matters 
stipulated in the preceding two paragraphs.

Article 9
A Reclaimed Water Operator shall be organized as a company. However, government 
authorities can operate by way of funds.
Anyone applying for the establishment of a Reclaimed Water Operator, except for 
those who operates by way of a fund as stated above, shall provide the application 
form and certification of capital amount to the competent authorities of the 
municipality or county (city) or the competent authority governing the Specific 
Area for establishment approval. The establishment or change of registration procedures 
can only be processed after obtaining the approval. 
The Reclaimed Water Operators initiating a Reclaimed Water Development Project 
shall provide documents such as the construction and operation plans for reclaimed 
water and company certification to the competent authorities of the municipality or 
county (city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area for construction 
permit. The construction can only be initiated after obtaining the use permit of 
wastewater (sewage) or effluent water. In case of any delay of the construction, 
the operators shall, with explanations, report to the competent authorities of the 
municipality or county (city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area 
for extension of construction period.
After completing the construction of the Reclaimed Water Development Project, the 
operators shall report to the competent authorities of the municipality or county 
(city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area for inspection. The 
operation can only be commenced after the inspection procedure is passed and the 
operation permit is obtained.
If the approved construction and operation plans for reclaimed water have been changed 
during the construction period or after completion of the construction, the operators 
shall file the relevant documents with the competent authorities of the municipality 
or county (city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area for approval. The 
operators shall provide an additional modification plan if the change is related to 
water quality, water quantity, schedule of water supply, area of water supply or the 
initiating operator.
The competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent authority 
governing the Specific Area shall provide the permits set forth in the preceding four 
paragraphs to the central competent authority for its reference.
The central competent authority shall determine the application form, plans, relevant 
documents, procedures and conditions for approval and modification, effective period of 
the use permit of wastewater (sewage) and effluent water, extension of construction period, 
regulations for deliberation, issuance of permits, inspection items, and other relevant 
matters in Paragraphs 2 to 5.

Article 10
The competent authority of the municipality or county (city) or the competent 
authority governing the Specific Area may revoke the construction permit, use or 
operation permit of wastewater (sewage) and effluent water, and order the Reclaimed 
Water Operators to restore to the original condition, cease the operation or take 
appropriate measures after it notifies the Reclaimed Water Operators to improve within 
specified period and no improvement is made in the event that the Reclaimed Water Operators 
have any of the following situations:
1.If the construction is not commenced within one and a half years after acquisition of 
a construction permit, the construction is suspended for six months continuously, the 
construction is suspended for one year or more in total, or the construction process is 
significantly behind schedule and the competent authority of the municipality or county 
(city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area finds that the construction 
could not be completed within the specified period of time. 
2.The construction or operation is not consistent with the approved plan.
3.The construction permit or operation permit is transferred to others without permission. 
In the event that the competent authority of the municipality or county (city) or the 
competent authority governing the Specific Area finds that the construction or operation 
of the Reclaimed Water Development Project will affect the normal operation of sewer system 
or substantially damage public interest, it may order the Reclaimed Water Operators to cease 
part or all of the construction or operation, or make an appropriate disposition.

Article 11
The person who uses water shall submit the usage plan of reclaimed water stating the water 
quantity, duration of use, detailed drawings and descriptions of water intake construction 
to the competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent authority 
governing the Specific Area, and apply for use permits of wastewater (sewage) and effluent 
water in the event that the wastewater (sewage) or effluent water gained from the sewer 
system is more than a certain water quantity or the water intake project is for the purpose 
of self-use. In the event of any change, the disposition shall be the same as aforementioned. 
After completion of water intake construction of the water intake project, it shall be 
reported to the competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent 
authority governing the Specific Area for inspection. The water may only be used after the 
inspection is passed.
In any of the following situations, the competent authorities of the municipality or county 
(city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area may reduce the water intake 
quantity or revoke the use permit. The requirement shall be exempted in the event that the 
competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent authority 
governing the Specific Area approves for reservation:
1.Water intake quantity is not consistent with the plan permitted in the first paragraph. 
2.Water intake does not initiate within the permitted period of time specified in t
he first paragraph.
3.Termination of usage for six months or more. 
The central competent authority shall determine the water quantity, plan, procedures 
for permitting the use of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water, effective period of 
the use permit, inspection after completion of construction, reduction of water 
quantity, reservation, revocation, issuance of permits, and other regulations of 
related matters concerning the preceding three paragraphs.

Article 12
For the Reclaimed Water Development Project applied in accordance with Article 9 and 
the water intake project applied in accordance with Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, 
the related regulations regarding initiation of water business as specified in the 
Water Act shall not apply.

Article 13
The design and construction supervision of water intake construction, water treatment 
facilities, and water supply facilities of the Reclaimed Water Development Project 
shall be certified by relevant engineers within the scope of professional services 
as specified in the Professional Engineers Act. However, a governmental agency or 
public enterprise initiating the project by itself may have the licensed engineer of 
the related fields who works for such agency or enterprise certify in accordance 
with the laws.
The related fields of the professional engineers shall be announced by the central 
competent authority in consultation with the central authority in charge of engineers. The 
central competent authorities shall determine the method of certification.

Article 14
The Reclaimed Water Operators shall charge the reclaimed water fees from the users 
of reclaimed water according to the cost of development and operation and reasonable 
profit of each development project. The central competent authority shall determine 
the calculation formula. 
In the event that the Reclaimed Water Operators determine the details of water price 
or adjust the reclaimed water fee according to the preceding paragraph, they shall 
apply to the competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent 
authority governing the Specific Area for approvals. Additionally, the competent 
authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent authority governing 
the Specific Area shall report to the central competent authority for its reference. However, 
in the event that the Reclaimed Water Operators initiate the project in accordance 
with the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, the operation 
shall be made in accordance with the related regulations of such Act and the investment 
The competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent authority 
governing the Specific Area may invite impartial persons of each field such as the related 
governmental agencies, scholars and experts to inspect the reclaimed water fee and its 
adjustment or disputes.

Article 15
The water intake construction, water treatment facilities, and water supply facilities 
of each development project of the Reclaimed Water Operators and water intake 
construction of the users permitted in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 11 shall 
be inspected regularly, maintained and repaired annually. The inspection record shall 
be made and sent to the competent authority of the municipality or county (city) or the 
competent authority governing the Specific Area for its reference.
The Reclaimed Water Operators shall report the water intake quantity of wastewater 
(sewage) and effluent water and quantity of reclaimed water supply of the Reclaimed 
Water Development Project to the competent authorities of the municipality or county 
(city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area by the end of January and 
July every year. The users permitted in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 11 shall 
report the water intake quantity of wastewater (sewage) or effluent water. 
The competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent authority 
governing the Specific Area shall compile the aforementioned information annually and 
report to the central competent authority for its reference. 
The inspection items, record, items to be reported, format, effective period and other 
regulations to be complied with as set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be determined 
by the central competent authority.

Article 16
The competent authorities of the municipality or county (city) or the competent 
authorities governing the Specific Area may, for the purpose of managing each development 
project of Reclaimed Water Operators and water intake permits set forth in Paragraph 1 
of Article 11, send personnel into the business places and facilities and inspect the 
related data and records of each construction facility, water quality and quantity. Additionally, 
related personnel may be requested to give necessary explanations, take cooperative 
actions, or provide related information. The inspected person or related personnel 
shall not avoid, impede, or refuse.
The inspectors specified in the preceding paragraph shall spontaneously show their ID or 
symbols sufficient for identification while carrying out inspection assignments and may 
not interfere with the normal operations at the said business operation site. 
The inspection agency or personnel specified in Paragraph 1 shall keep the information 
regarding the privacy of the inspected person or trade secrets confidential.

Article 17
A person who, for the purpose of profit, violates Paragraph 1 of Article 7 and 
provides or uses reclaimed water that is likely to be harmful to human health shall 
be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three (3) years, detention or a fine of 
no less than NT$300,000 and no more than NT$3,000,000. In the event that it is harmful 
to human health, he or she shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five (5) years, 
detention and/or a fine of no less than NT$500,000 and no more than NT$5,000,000.
If death results from the commission of an offense specified in the preceding paragraph, 
the perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life or not less than seven (7) years, 
and may be fined not more than NT$15,000,000. If serious body injury results from the 
commission of the offense, the perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment not less than 
three (3) years and no more than ten (10) years, and may be fined not more than NT$10,000,000.
Any representative of an entity or agent of an entity or natural person, employee, 
or other personnel who commits offenses set forth in the preceding two Paragraphs due 
to the performance of business activities, in addition to the punishment imposed on the 
perpetrator, the entity or natural person shall also be fined not more than ten times of 
the stated amount.

Article 18
Anyone who destroys a Reclaimed Water Operator’s water intake construction, water 
treatment facilities or water supply facilities and causes public hazards shall be 
punished with a sentence of imprisonment of no more than three (3) years, detention 
or a fine of no less than NT$300,000 and no more than NT$3,000,000.

Article 19
Any of the following violations shall be subject to an administrative fine of no 
less than NT$300,000 and no more than NT$1,500,000 which may be consecutively imposed 
for each violation:
1.A Reclaimed Water Operator provides reclaimed water in violation of Paragraph 1 
of Article 7.
2.Using reclaimed water in violation of the purposes specified in Paragraph 1 of 
Article 7.
3.A Reclaimed Water Operator operates without passing the inspection and acquiring 
the operation permit as required by Paragraph 4 of Article 9.
4.A Reclaimed Water Operator fails to cease operation according to Paragraph 1 of 
Article 10.
5.A Reclaimed Water Operator fails to cease operation and take appropriate measures 
according to Paragraph 2 of Article 10.
6.Destroying a Reclaimed Water Operator’s water intake construction, water treatment 
facilities or water supply facilities and hampering normal water supply.

Article 20
A developer who fails to use a certain percentage of reclaimed water, non-systemic 
reclaimed water or other alternatives pursuant to the water consumption plan or the 
variance analysis report according to Paragraphs 1 to 3 of Article 4 and is notified 
by the central competent authority to make improvements within a designated time 
period but fails to improve by the designated time period shall be subject to an 
administrative fine of no less than NT$200,000 and no more than NT$1,000,000 which 
may be consecutively imposed for each violation.
If a developer fails to submit the variance analysis report according to Paragraph 2 
of Article 4 or fails to make corrections within a designated time period notified by 
the central competent authority, the fine set forth in the preceding paragraph shall 
be applied mutatis mutandis.

Article 21
Any of the following violations shall be subject to an administrative fine of no 
less than NT$200,000 and no more than NT$1,000,000 which may be consecutively 
imposed for each violation: 
1.The quality of reclaimed water provided by the Reclaimed Water Operator does not 
meet the quality standards for reclaimed water, use restrictions and other matters 
to be followed, or the quality standards for the purpose of use as set forth in 
Paragraph 2 of Article 7.
2.A Reclaimed Water Operator commences the construction without obtaining construction 
permit in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 9. 
3.A Reclaimed Water Operator fails to restore to the original condition or take 
appropriate measures in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 10.
4.A Reclaimed Water Operator fails to cease the construction and make an appropriate 
disposition in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 10.
5.A user permitted under Paragraph 1 of Article 11 fails to pass the inspection in 
accordance with Paragraph 2 of the same Article and use the water.
6.A Reclaimed Water Operator and a user permitted under Paragraph 1 of Article 11 fail 
to make regular inspection, maintenance and annual repair, and make inspection records.

Article 22
The Reclaimed Water Operator or user permitted under Paragraph 1 of Article 11 shall 
be subject to an administrative fine of no less than NT$20,000 and no more than 
NT$100,000 if it avoids, impedes or refuses to be inspected, give explanations, take 
cooperative actions, or provide related information under Paragraph 1 of Article 16 
without just cause. The punishment may be imposed for each violation.

Article 23
The Reclaimed Water Operator or the user permitted under Paragraph 1 of Article 11 
shall be subject to an administrative fine of no less than NT$10,000 and no more than 
NT$50,000 if it fails to report in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 15. The 
punishment may be imposed for each violation.

Article 24
Except Article 20 shall be punished by the central competent authority, the fine 
prescribed in this Act shall be imposed by the competent authorities of the municipality 
or county (city) or the competent authority governing the Specific Area.

Article 25
In the event that the systemic reclaimed water is provided to others for use before 
this Act comes into force, the reclaimed water construction and operation plan shall 
be replaced with the current report on the use of reclaimed water within two years from 
the date of promulgation of this Act. No operation may continue without obtaining the 
construction permit and operation permit in accordance with Article 9. In the event of 
violation, the punishment shall be imposed in accordance with Subparagraph 3 of Article 19. 
If the reclaimed water is provided in violation of Article 7, the punishment shall be 
imposed in accordance with Subparagraph 1 of Article 19 and Subparagraph 1 of Article 21.

Article 26
This Act shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.
Data Source:Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C.(Taiwan) Laws and Regulations Retrieving System